
Guide to the Protection from Harassment Act

Whistleblowers in South Africa, as is the situation in other countries, are protected under the law. The Constitution is the first line of defence, and then there is legislation such as the Protected Disclosures Act (PDA) – known informally as the whistleblower’s act. Under this act an employee can report corruption and irregular conduct, and Read more >

Murky deals, exploited communities

Nicky Rehbock, global campaigns officer for Corruption Watch and Transparency International, wrote this blog about the MalaMala Files for Corruption Watch Connected: As part of Transparency International’s Land and Corruption in Africa project, we’ve partnered with Oxpeckers Investigative Environmental Journalism to probe what happened in the settlement of the MalaMala land claim in South Africa Read more >

Remove the stain of corruption

By Steven Powell Publisher’s note: “The publication of this article is not intended to highlight the harsh reality of bribery and corruption in our country. The core objective is to promote the need for organisations to implement remedial action, in order to curb bribery and corruption throughout all areas of their business. “This article is Read more >

CW board member appointed to IAAF ethics commission

Our distinguished board member Kate O’Regan has been appointed to the ethics commission of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). The commission is one of the measures set up by the IAAF to “eliminate corrupt conduct which might place the authenticity, integrity and reputation of athletics at risk”. The IAAF has come under fire Read more >

When unethical behaviour is an instruction

It’s one thing to practice ethical behaviour in your personal and professional life, but it’s another thing when you are ordered to behave unethically by your boss. How often do we see that the person who did the deed ultimately becomes the scapegoat, while the mastermind gets away with it? In this article, ethics guru Read more >

What can you do to fight corruption?

It’s a new year, and the fight against corruption goes on. It is tempting to feel discouraged, but if you thought there was nothing you as an individual could do, think again! Let 2016 be the year you stand up and say: “So far, and no farther.” While the problem might be so deeply entrenched Read more >

No Reconciliation with Corruption!

Nelson Mandela Bridge from 10am – 12pm, Wednesday 16 December The Unite Against Corruption (UAC) campaign confirms that the people’s gathering on Nelson Mandela Bridge is going ahead. We call upon all those affected by corruption to support the demand that #ZumaMustFall, whether by his own hand or by the decision of the African National Read more >

Survey: South Africans do bribe, but all is not lost

A new survey, released last week by the Ethics Institute of South Africa (EthicsSA), sheds some regrettable light on South African ethics – the survey found that resistance to bribery among South Africans who were asked for a bribe, is not as high as it should be. Titled South African Citizens’ Bribery Survey 2015, the Read more >

Young leadership group asks ANC to recall Zuma

The reckless replacement of the finance minister in the face of economic headwinds is irresponsible, irrational and unpatriotic; Zuma just delivered a worse life for all. So says the Young African Leadership Initiative (Yali) which comprises professionals who are leaders in their fields, spanning sectors of government, the financial sector, South African and international corporates Read more >