
The Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and Chairperson of the National Planning Commission, Jeff Radebe in his capacity as Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption Inter-Ministerial Committee (ACIMC) launching Anti-Corruption Discussion Document Strategy at Tshedimosetso House, Hatfield in Pretoria. 14/05/2017. The launch of the discussion document by (ACIMC) aims to kick-start a much wider consultation process to ensure all South African Citizens through their various organised formation play their part towards building a resilient anti-corruption system as contemplated in the National Development Plan (NDP).

The South African government planned to release its draft national anti-corruption strategy (NACS) on International Anti-Corruption Day, 9 December, last year. The document was delayed until 14 May, when it was launched to a lukewarm response from the nation. Last year Corruption Watch was engaged in the process that prepared the draft, along with other Read more >

Secret ballot refusal would be obstruction in Parly

By David Lewis First published in Daily Maverick Whistle-blowing is a critical ingredient in tackling corruption. Corrupt conduct is, in most cases, the outcome of covert collusion between a public authority or individual, on the one hand, and a private institution or individual, on the other. Unlike house robbery or assault, there is no victim Read more >

“No-fee” school charges parents R207 a year

By Julia Chaskalson First published on GroundUp Umtapho High School is a no-fee school in the north of Durban that forces parents to pay fees every year. The fees charged to parents are R160 for maintenance, R35 for a new student card and R12 per registration form for each child each year. Parents say the Read more >

How corruption affects climate change

First published on Transparency International Climate change, like corruption, is a matter of life or death. The evidence is hard and clear. 2016 was the hottest year ever on record, extreme “once in a generation” weather events are becoming more regular, and fragile ecosystems such as the Great Barrier Reef are dying. Climate change is no longer a future threat; it is here. Read more >

CW expresses outrage at Molefe reinstatement

Corruption Watch, in response to the news today that Brian Molefe will be reinstated as CEO of Eskom from Monday 15 May, has expressed outrage at his return to his former position from which he resigned in November 2016. In spite of attempts to now position his departure as early retirement, at no point at Read more >

Apply for the TI Summer School on Integrity 2017

Applications will close shortly for the Transparency International School on Integrity (TISI) 2017, taking place from 10-16 July 2017 in Vilnius, Lithuania. All university students, graduates and young professionals under the age of 35 are eligible to apply. TISI welcomes individuals from public, private, non-governmental and academic sectors, and from all academic backgrounds. TISI selects its students on Read more >

CW condemns SASSA’s pointless litigation

Corruption Watch (CW) condemns a decision by the South African Social Services Agency (SASSA) to withdraw from opposition to legal action that challenged a R317-million payment to social grants distributor Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) on the basis that it was irregular. CW views the conduct as wasteful of public resources, following two years of litigation Read more >

The economics of corruption

By Zola Valashiya Remember that high school mantra “Crime doesn’t pay” that was constantly drummed into us growing up? Well, here’s the thing – crime is paying, and it is paying big. So much has happened in South Africa lately I cannot emotionally keep up. From grand airport heists to dubious cabinet reshuffles, and a Read more >

Call for proposals: outdoor marketing and promotions

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: OUTDOOR MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS Corruption Watch is a non-profit organisation founded in 2012. We rely on the public to report corruption to us and use these reports as an important source of information to fight corruption and to hold leaders accountable for their actions.  Corruption Watch’s aim is to ensure that the Read more >