
Zondo Commission – week 2 overview

The second week of public hearings for the Zondo Commission into state capture saw damning evidence that puts former president Jacob Zuma at the centre of what appears to be intricate plans for fleecing government departments to meet the interests of the Gupta family. It was first former ANC member of parliament Vytjie Mentor, and Read more >

CW makes submission to Nugent Commission of Inquiry into Sars

Corruption Watch (CW) has made submissions to the commission of inquiry into tax administration and governance at the South African Revenue Service (Sars), led by retired Judge Robert Nugent. The organisation is concerned about the lack of good governance and proper administration at Sars, an institution whose mandate is pivotal in detecting and reporting corruption, Read more >

SA making progress on beneficial ownership, but CSOs left out

South Africa launched its latest Open Government Partnership (OGP) action plan, covering the period 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2018, on 6 May 2016. This was the country’s third national action plan since joining the OGP programme, which provides a platform for governments and civil society to work together to develop and implement ambitious Read more >

ConCourt holds Sassa accountable for second CPS contract extension

The Constitutional Court today handed down a further judgment in the seemingly never-ending matter of the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) and Cash Paymaster Services (CPS). Today’s judgment did not relate to personal costs arising from the Section 38 inquiry, presided over by Judge Bernard Ngoepe, into former social development minister Bathabile Dlamini and Read more >

How the Guptas milked SA for diamonds

By Khadija Sharife and Josy JosephFirst published on the OCCRP website Under recently ousted President Zuma, the Gupta family made millions in South Africa. Some of that money may have been used to purchase diamonds in a scheme which defrauded a state program to help poor black dairy farmers. Until a couple of years ago, Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 1 overview

The first week of the Zondo Commission has already produced some explosive testimony. On Friday former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas testified that the Gupta brother he met with in October 2015, believed to be Ajay, boasted that “we are in control of everything…” – including the Hawks, the National Prosecuting Authority and the National Read more >

Gordhan shows way forward for cleaner public corporations

By David Lewis First published in Business Day Pravin Gordhan’s recent presentation to the parliamentary portfolio committee on public enterprises does indeed portend a “new dawn” for state-owned enterprises (SOEs). These massive corporations, many of which are producing critical basic goods for the country’s public and industry, have been front and centre of the plunder Read more >

It’s Time – A FunDza / Corruption Watch story

Together with the FunDza Literacy Trust, we now publish our sixth youth-targeted story, It’s time for us to eat, a story about doing the right thing, even if it means your dreams will take a little longer to be realised. Catch up with our previous youth-focused stories, also produced in partnership with FunDza – Innocence Read more >

Poor support for whistle-blowers a problem for Zondo

By Rebecca Davis First published on Daily Maverick “The response has not been what we were expecting,” remarked Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo when he opened the first day of the state capture inquiry. “The response has been quite disappointing.” Zondo was referring to the apparent public reluctance to comply with a call put out Read more >