
The corporate culture continuum: from ethical to toxic

By Cynthia Schoeman First published on Ethics Monitor The importance of organisational culture rests on the definition of culture as “the way things are done around here” because it illustrates that culture shapes behaviour in organisations. The quest for more ethical workplace behaviour makes culture especially pertinent and the establishment of ethical conduct as the Read more >

Media advisory: People’s Tribunal to present final report

The First People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime in South Africa Delivery of Tribunal Panel’s Final Report    Venue: Women’s Jail, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, South Africa Date:   Thursday 20 September 2018 Time: 13:00 – 14:30 ____________________________________________________________ The People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime will deliver its final findings to the public at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg Read more >

Foreign bribery largely unchecked in SA, OECD obligations not fulfilled

Yesterday Transparency International (TI) released the 2018 edition of its Exporting Corruption report, following on the previous edition published back in 2015. For South Africa, not much has changed for the better. Exporting Corruption 2018 rates countries on their enforcement against foreign bribery under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention. The Read more >

Media advisory: CW raises awareness of corruption in Western Cape

Corruption Watch will be amplifying its anti-corruption message in the Western Cape and expanding its footprint in communities where its presence has previously been limited. The awareness drive will include a series of activities at various community locations including schools, clinics, University of Cape Town, traffic departments, taxi ranks and shopping centres. These will run Read more >

South Africa fails to punish foreign bribery, TI report reveals

Transparency International (TI) has today released the 2018 edition of its Exporting Corruption report, rating countries based on their enforcement against foreign bribery under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. The OECD convention requires signatory countries to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials and introduce related measures. TI examined the enforcement of 40 signatory countries and four Read more >

CW demands transparency in promised Bain investigation

Corruption Watch has expressed disgust at the corrupt conduct of yet another large multinational corporation, Bain & Company, as recently revealed at the Nugent Commission of Inquiry into SARS. The commission revealed that the global management consultancy had, in undertaking a massively costly investigation at SARS, allowed itself to be used to further the corrupt Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 3 overview

In the third week of the public hearings for the Zondo Commission into state capture, implicated parties grabbed the spotlight by replying publicly to testimony and applying to cross-examine witnesses. After acting DG of the Government Information and Communication System (GCIS) Phumla Williams implicated former communications minister Faith Muthambi not only of mistreatment towards her Read more >

CW raises concerns over unchecked corruption at refugee centre

Corruption Watch (CW) has today written to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs in respect of the rampant corruption and maladministration that continues unabated at the Desmond Tutu Refugee Reception Centre in Marabastad, Pretoria – a dire state of affairs which has recently caused committee members to discuss the need for urgent steps to be Read more >

CW gathers input for submissions to NACS

On Friday 31 August, Corruption Watch put forward its submission on the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) to the Anti-Corruption Inter-Ministerial Committee. In recent weeks the organisation conducted its own workshops to raise awareness of the existence of the NACS among communities, civil society organisations and business, in the interests of ensuring a genuine process of Read more >