
NDPP selection panel names preferred candidates

Source: The Presidency The advisory panel tasked with making recommendations on suitable candidates for the position of national director of public prosecutions (NDPP) has presented President Cyril Ramaphosa with the names of five candidates recommended for the position. The final five are: Adv Shamila Batohi Adv Siyabulela Mapoma Adv Simphiwe Mlotshwa Adv Rodney de Kock Read more >

Survey: ethics not prioritised in corporate SA

Yesterday the Anti-Intimidation and Ethical Practices Forum (AEPF) released a survey on ethical practices within South African businesses. It emerged that ethical sentiment among professional South Africans dropped sharply following a bruising year of corporate scandals. The survey also reveals that 1 in 4 believe financial success is more important than doing the right thing – Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 13 overview

It was a very insightful first week back for the commission of inquiry into state capture, when it resumed its public hearings on Monday after a month-long break. Between the testimonies of former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan and former government spokesperson Mzwanele Manyi, South Africans were given a lot to think about. Hogan did Read more >

What do we know about the NDPP candidates?

The 12 shortlisted candidates for the crucial position of national director of public prosecutions (NDPP) were announced on 9 November. Interviews are taking place from 14 to 16 November. The interviews, at first organised as closed-door events, were opened to the media and public after a successful application by the Right2Know Campaign. According to the Read more >

NDPP interviews begin today, are open to media

Yesterday the Right2Know Campaign (R2K) won its urgent application in the North Gauteng High Court to allow media coverage of the interviews of the shortlisted candidates for the post of national director of public prosecutions (NDPP). The application was urgent because the interviews begin today. President Cyril Ramaphosa had opposed the opening of NDPP interviews Read more >

Fisheries department rots from the top

By Kimon de Greef First published on GroundUp South Africa’s fisheries authority is in a state of crisis, paralysed by a factional war between its two most senior officials and hollowed out by a culture of corruption. This has left the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) unable to perform many of its most Read more >

NDPP shortlist of 12 candidates announced

Source: The Presidency The advisory panel appointed by President Cyril Ramaphosa to identify suitable candidates for the position of national director of public prosecutions (NDPP) has shortlisted 12 candidates who will be interviewed between 14 and 16 November 2018. Minister of energy Jeff Radebe chairs a panel comprising broad representation of the legal fraternity which Read more >

Zondo Commission resumes on 12 November

The Zondo Commission into allegations of state capture resumes on Monday, 12 November, after a break of about a month. Corruption Watch has attended all the hearings and has compiled a page of updates which contains details of the testimony of all the witnesses who appeared during the first seven weeks, as well as relevant Read more >

Namibia removed from list of tax havens

Original source: Reuters European Union (EU) finance ministers removed Namibia from the bloc’s blacklist of tax havens on Tuesday after it committed itself to changing its tax rules and practices, the EU said. The Economic and Financial Affairs Council established the list in December 2017, with the overall goal of improving tax good governance globally Read more >