
Anti-bribery and corruption measures still not enough

The third anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) survey from law firm ENSafrica is out – this year 132 organisations, including ENS corporate clients, across Africa participated. This, said the firm, represents a 50% increase in participation from 2015 and indicates a greater interest in and awareness of the importance of ABC. Of the 132 respondents, 83% Read more >

Reputation Thieves – a youth story produced with FunDza

Together with the FunDza Literacy Trust, we now publish our fourth youth-targeted story, Reputation Thieves. It’s an exciting story about identity theft and misuse of funds. Catch up with our previous youth-focused stories, also produced in partnership with FunDza – Licensed to Lie, The Whistleblowers, and Pay-off! Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  Read more >

It is the age of unreason, it is the age of impunity

By Judith February Last week, Advocate Nomgcobo Jiba, deputy national director of Public Prosecutions, head of the Special Commercial Crimes Unit Advocate Lawrence Mrwebi and Hawks head Mthandazo Berning Ntlemeza appeared before Parliament’s Public Accounts committee. As they spoke about the state’s capacity to fight corruption, their words were lost in a haze, for the Read more >

Spy tapes saga plods on and on

The matter of the spy tapes involving President Jacob Zuma is far from over. It is in fact headed for the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) in Bloemfontein, thanks to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). Zuma’s lawyers filed his answering affidavit to the SCA at the end of August, effectively challenging the North Gauteng High Read more >

Nair’s Pikitup job trashed – MD fired

Some time ago we reported on the shady goings-on at Pikitup, and mentioned that the entity’s board had decided to institute disciplinary proceedings against its MD Amanda Nair. Nair had been involved in several controversies including an irregular R260-million tender awarded to a company which had previous negative findings against it in a forensic investigation. Read more >

Crime stats gloss over corruption

The latest crime statistics were presented to Parliament today, with acting national police commissioner Khomotso Phahlane and minister Nkosinathi Nhleko putting a positive spin on the information. According to them, the crime situation has improved, with seven of the country’s provinces showing an overall decrease in crime. “The downward trend in crime statistics shows that Read more >

Brave, honest car guard is our hero

Tshepo Molaoele, a car guard at The Company’s Garden in Cape Town, recently helped foil a car theft attempt by refusing to take a bribe offered by the thieves, and then tipping the police off, which led to the arrest of the criminals. For his honesty and indefatigable sense of right and wrong, we make Read more >

CW and R2K set to challenge arms deal cover-up

18 August 2016 Corruption Watch (CW) and the Right2Know Campaign (R2K) are preparing to challenge the findings of the Seriti Commission in court. The litigation will be launched in the North Gauteng High Court in September 2016 and founding papers will be placed on the applicants’ websites. The Seriti Commission was chaired by Judge Willie Read more >

We must hold our municipal councillors accountable

In the just-concluded local municipal elections we cast two votes – one for a party and one for an individual. Voters in areas which form part of a district council received a third ballot paper for the district council election. Those votes will result in the election of councillors, who are tasked with doing their utmost Read more >