
Urban land in Zim: power, politics and corruption

By Mary Jane Ncube, Farai Shone Mutondoro and Manase Chiweshe As political parties gear up for the 2018 national elections in Zimbabwe, urban land appears to be emerging as an important campaigning tool for ruling party Zanu PF. The use of land as a political tool is not new in Zimbabwe – in the early 2000s a controversial Read more >

CW lays criminal charges against SARS commissioner

12 December 2016 Corruption Watch has laid criminal charges against the South African Revenue Services (SARS) commissioner, Tom Moyane, in relation to the matter involving alleged fraud and corruption committed by two senior SARS employees, Jonas Makwakwa and Kelly-Ann Elskie. Charges were also laid against Makwakwa and Elskie directly, under case numbers 217/12/2016, 218/12/2016 and Read more >

Anti-corruption strategy success not guaranteed

Today is International Anti-Corruption Day. To coincide with the worldwide event, the government is hosting an gathering that focuses on its draft national anti-corruption strategy (NACS). The document was supposed to have been released today, but the long-awaited moment has been delayed. Corruption Watch’s executive director David Lewis attended the event. Read his speech below: Read more >

17th IACC: time for justice, equity, security, trust

The 17th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) took place in Panama City, Panama, last week, under the theme Time for Justice: Equity, Security, Trust. Gathering in the home town of Mossack Fonseca, the law firm at the heart of the Panama Papers, anti-corruption activists called for an end to the illicit networks that secrecy jurisdictions foster. Read more >

Corporate gifts: acceptable practice vs corruption

By Cynthia Schoeman Extracted from Ethics Can The giving and receiving of gifts is especially prevalent at this time of the year. This not only highlights the question of what is and is not acceptable and ethical, but also increases the potential for abuse. In response to the possible negative aspects of gifts, many organisations Read more >

Parliament grills Sassa for answers

The executive leadership of the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) endured the hot seat in Parliament recently to answer questions on the financial health of the agency and its spending history in the 2015/16 financial year. The agency logged a total of R1.1-billion in irregular expenditure, Parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) was Read more >

Setting the record straight on Lokisa launch

Yesterday we released our report on corruption in the Home Affairs immigration system. Titled Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, the report was launched on a piece of land over the road from the Marabastad refugee reception office in Pretoria. The launch was notable for the absence of the key actor in the story – Read more >

CW exposes widespread corruption at Home Affairs

For the past two years Corruption Watch, with a number of partners, has been investigating corruption in the immigration section of the Home Affairs department. Today we released our report, titled Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, at a gathering outside the Marabastad refugee reception office, and the picture it paints is disturbing.     We Read more >

Widespread corruption at Home Affairs shown in CW report

22 November 2016 Corruption at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), according to a new report, Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, released by Corruption Watch today, is now so endemic that only a concerted effort by multiple stakeholders can hope to curb it. The DHA has failed to respond to any of the attempts Read more >