
FIC amendment bill makes the parly grade

The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) amendment bill is one step closer to promulgation. Having being tabled in Parliament as long ago as April 2015 by former finance minister Nhlanhla Nene, and sent back and forth a couple of times between President Jacob Zuma and the Standing Committee of Finance, the bill was passed last week Read more >

Public must blow whistles to help us fight corruption

By David Lewis First published in Business Day Corruption is but one of the major challenges confronting SA alongside other arguably more serious problems. Think of poverty, inequality and unemployment. Think of persistent racism. Think of our public education and health systems. Think of our dysfunctional criminal justice institutions and the parlous state of critical Read more >

Parliament: Sassa/CPS setup must be investigated

UPDATE: Sassa has withdrawn its application to the Constitutional Court for an extension of the contract with Cash Paymaster Services. The agency says it will lodge the case again – but time is running out. Read more about this development.   The South African Social Services Agency’s (Sassa) relationship with social grants service provider Cash Read more >

CW 2016 report shows increasing intolerance for corruption

28 February 2017 The public in South Africa are increasingly intolerant of corruption and the abuse of power by those in positions of leadership and are more willing to hold them to account, according to Corruption Watch’s 2016 Annual Corruption Report.  The report reviews the past five years of the public reporting their experiences of Read more >

Annual report: public does not tolerate corruption

Today, a month after its fifth birthday, Corruption Watch releases its fifth annual report. The report celebrates the almost 15 000 whistle-blowers who have approached us during the last half a decade, and also features highlights of what was a busy year for the organisation. This large volume of reports clearly indicates that the South Read more >

Cautious budget reflects political landscape

A lot can happen in a political year, and anyone holding Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan’s last two budget speeches side by side can see evidence of this. Gordhan presented his 2016/17 budget under extreme political pressure on Wednesday – amid some speculation that it may very well be his last – and thus it lacked Read more >

The real risks behind SA’s social grant payment crisis

By Andries du Toit First published on The Conversation Africa The dispute hovering over South Africa’s social grant system and threatening millions of vulnerable beneficiaries with nonpayment creates risks that go far beyond interrupting poor people’s access to desperately needed grants. The failure of the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa), which is responsible for Read more >

Edelman: governments, CEOs, media distrusted globally

The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer (ETB) — the 17th — was conducted online in 28 countries with over 33 000 respondents, of whom 1 150 were South African. This year, those South Africans’ distrust in government dropped even lower than last year’s almost negligible 16%, to 15%, and it is still the least trusted of Read more >

CW: revamped Marabastad RRO will offer better services

17 February 2017 Corruption Watch supports the new and improved systems launched today at the refurbished Marabastad Refugee Reception Office in Pretoria. The revamp is intended to address queue management and security concerns, among other issues, and introduce an automated booking system and paperless processes. These changes are long overdue as in the past, this Read more >