
CW report highlights devastating land corruption

Today Corruption Watch (CW) launched a report titled Unearthing Corruption in the Land Sector, as part of an ongoing Transparency International project, Land Corruption in Africa (LCA).  One of the project objectives is to understand the impact of corruption on land tenure or ownership with a specific focus on vulnerable groups, including women and children. Read more >

MEDIA ADVISORY: CW to release land corruption report

Corruption Watch invites members of the media to the launch of our Land Corruption in Africa (LCA) report, entitled Unearthing corruption in the land sector, to be held on 02 December in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. The report reviews the historical context of South Africa’s land reform policies and looks into the legislative framework that governs the Read more >

SA disappoints on organised crime index

By Thato Mahlangu The latest Organised Crime Index by anti-organised crime organisation Enact Africa shows how crime has infiltrated and infested South Africa. On the index for criminality, South Africa was ranked at number 10 out of 54 African countries, with high scores for both criminal markets and criminal actors. The country scored 6.6 while Read more >

Scopa takes Eskom to task for corruption, mismanagement

By Kwazi Dlamini The parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) has made its presence felt in overseeing the operations of state-owned entities (SOEs) by embarking on a visit to two power stations operated by the embattled electricity supplier Eskom at the end of August. Scopa members visited both Kusile and Medupi power stations amid Read more >

Police corruption an ongoing problem

By Thato Mahlangu Months after the new report by Corruption Watch (CW) was released, highlighting the alarming number of corrupt police officials, little has been done to curb crime within the police, whistle-blowers claim. Since the organisation’s inception in 2012, some 1 400 members of the public have felt concerned enough to share their experiences Read more >

Media advisory: Critical reflections on Baloyi report

Corruption Watch will be hosting a multi-stakeholder roundtable discussion on the long-awaited report of the Baloyi Commission of Enquiry into the Bakgatla ba Kgafela chieftaincy and financial corruption. The report focuses on the concerning levels of maladministration and mismanagement of funds, resulting in members of the community experiencing a systematic cycle of poverty. Corruption Watch Read more >

Outgoing DPP: ‘It’s been a privilege to serve’

By Kavisha Pillay and Sabeehah Motala First published by The Daily Maverick With about two months left before he vacates office, Deputy Public Protector (DPP) advocate Kevin Malunga sat down with Corruption Watch to reflect on the highs and lows of the past seven years, and the legacy he would wish to leave. Kevin Malunga Read more >

CW makes submission to Parly on DPP appointment

Corruption Watch made its submission to Parliament on 16 October 2019 with the aim of contributing to the appointment of the next deputy public protector. The incumbent Kevin Malunga’s term in office ends in December 2019. Corruption Watch has launched a campaign to ensure that his replacement is appointed in a transparent way that allows Read more >

No warm welcome from Home Affairs at Beit Bridge

• The queue outside the Beit Bridge border post between South Africa and Zimbabwe. Image: Barbara Dale-Jones. By Barbara Dale-JonesFirst published by The Daily Maverick ‘We cannot have a Home Affairs department that is corrupt,’ declared President Cyril Ramaphosa in early October – while Barbara Dale-Jones was experiencing exactly that while travelling to Zimbabwe. As Read more >


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