
GCB, Jiba and Mrwebi back in court today

Today the Constitutional Court hears arguments from both sides in the matter of the General Council of the Bar (GCB) v Jiba, Mrwebi and others. The GCB is applying for leave to appeal a Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) judgment reinstating top National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) officials Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi to the roll Read more >

Swift action needed on party funding bill

By Judith February First published on EWN The recent brouhaha regarding President Cyril Ramaphosa and the so-called ‘Bosasa campaign donation’ has again put the funding of political parties in the spotlight. It started when DA leader Mmusi Maimane asked Ramaphosa about a donation of R500 000 he had allegedly received from Bosasa’s Gavin Watson. This Read more >

The argument for an int’l anti-corruption court

By Richard Goldstone and Robert Rotberg First published on the Global Anticorruption Blog In a 2018 Daedalus article, senior US district judge Mark L. Wolf explained that The World Needs an International Anticorruption Court (IACC) and charted a course for its creation. In a recent post on this blog, Professor Alex Whiting characterised the IACC Read more >

Dlamini to personally pay 20% of applicants’ legal costs

Barely a month after the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) held that the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) and its acting CEO should be liable for costs relating to a second contract extension with grants distributor Cash Paymaster Services (CPS), the same court has now handed down unanimous judgment on then social development minister Bathabile Dlamini’s Read more >

ConCourt holds Sassa accountable for second CPS contract extension

The Constitutional Court today handed down a further judgment in the seemingly never-ending matter of the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) and Cash Paymaster Services (CPS). Today’s judgment did not relate to personal costs arising from the Section 38 inquiry, presided over by Judge Bernard Ngoepe, into former social development minister Bathabile Dlamini and Read more >

Political party funding to become more transparent

Today the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) handed down judgment in the political party funding-related matter of My Vote Counts (MVC) vs the president of South Africa, the minister of justice, and others. The court ruled that voters have the right to be informed about the sources of the private funding of political parties. In delivering today’s Read more >

Net1 to challenge court ruling on R316-million

Net1 UEPS Technologies, the US-based parent company of Cash Paymaster Services (CPS), will challenge a South Gauteng High Court ruling handed down on Friday last week that says its subsidiary must pay back an amount of R316-million paid irregularly by the South African Social Grants Agency (Sassa) in 2014. The company will apply for leave Read more >

CW wins Sassa-CPS court battle over R316m payment

Corruption Watch emerged victorious on Friday when the South Gauteng High Court ruled in favour of the organisation, setting aside a payment of R316-million by the South African Social Services Agency (Sassa) to social grant distributor Cash Paymaster Services (CPS). CPS was also ordered to pay back the full amount, with interest, to the state. Read more >

Judgment: CPS must repay Sassa’s R316m plus interest

David-Lewis-Corruption-Watch Corruption Watch (CW) celebrates the judgment handed down today by Judge Moroa Tsoka ordering Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) to pay back, in full, the R316 447 361.41 received from the South African Social Services Agency (Sassa), with interest accrued since June 2014 until the date of payment. The organisation was previously in court on Read more >