
Concourt’s MK judgment is about integrity of Parliament

By Moepeng Valencia Talane The journey to the 2024 elections has presented South Africans with a lot of critical topics to ponder in relation to governance, policy, and the integrity of public office. We have more options in this election than before, and our responsibility in electing who takes this country forward is consequently more Read more >

Zuma judgment confirms key CSO role in upholding constitutional democracy

PRESS RELEASE The judgment handed down by the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) yesterday, regarding the IEC’s appeal against the Electoral Court order on the eligibility of former president Jacob Zuma’s candidacy in the upcoming elections, represents a win for civil society, says Corruption Watch (CW). The ConCourt ruled that Zuma was not eligible or qualified to Read more >

Support for ConCourt and the law, irrespective of outcome 

We, the undersigned organisations, call on all stakeholders to respect the decision of the Constitutional Court in relation to the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa’s (IEC) appeal to be heard on 10 May 2024.  The IEC is appealing a recent judgment by the Electoral Court. This judgment overturned the IEC’s decision to uphold an Read more >

Zuma in Russia, while DCS ponders next steps

As former president Jacob Zuma receives medical treatment for an undisclosed illness in Russia, the National Department of Correctional Services (DCS) here at home is seeking legal advice on the next steps, following the Constitutional Court’s ruling on Thursday upheld the Supreme Court of Appeal’s order that Zuma’s medical parole by the Department of Correctional Read more >

Transparency of donations to intra-party political campaigns is a must

By Natalie KeetsiFirst published on the Global Anticorruption Blog In South Africa, the Political Party Funding Act (the PPFA) regulates campaign donations and expenditures to political parties. By imposing various limits and transparency requirements, the PPFA – which is overseen by South Africa’s Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) – is supposed to prevent corruption and other Read more >

Ramaphosa must ensure political accountability to win corruption fight

By Moepeng Valencia Talane South Africa has a serious corruption problem, and everyone including the morally compromised ANC agrees, but what we’re not agreeing on is the extent to which the absence of a culture of political accountability will keep corruption in place without tangible solutions. That is, if nothing is done by those with Read more >

Impeachment of the president – what’s that all about?

By Kwazi Dlamini President Cyril Ramaphosa faces arguably the toughest political battle of his career to date, surrounded as he is by the fallout of the Phala Phala scandal. Opposition political parties and his adversaries within the African National Congress (ANC) are calling for him to resign – indeed, last Friday Ramaphosa was rumoured to Read more >

Phala Phala noise far from over, as SA awaits Concourt decision

As South Africa waits to hear from the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) if it will accept President Cyril Ramaphosa’s judicial review application of the Section 89 panel report on Phala Phala – for which papers were filed on Monday – his political backers and opponents alike continue to exchange public statements to support their conflicting causes. Read more >

ConCourt confirms exec ethics code invalidity on funding disclosures

The Executive Ethics Code is unconstitutional to the extent that it does not require members of the executive to disclose donations made to campaigns for elections to positions within political parties. This was confirmed in the Constitutional Court on 20 September 2022. Investigative journalism organisation AmaBhungane brought the application to the ConCourt, asking it to Read more >