
Business sector whistle-blowers raise their game

When one thinks of whistle-blowers, it is easy to only think of those who expose irregularities in the public service. However, there is a whole community of business sector whistle-blowers out there, and they are stepping up the pace, according to a new report by global risk and compliance firm Navex. For organisations looking to Read more >

Corruption hampers growth and development in Africa

By Pregala Pillay and Chris JonesSource: Stellenbosch University African Anti-Corruption Day, commemorated annually on 11 July, wants to give prominence to the anti-corruption fight on the continent, marking an important step towards the Africa we want. It would not be farfetched to assume that we all want a prosperous Africa, based on inclusive growth and Read more >

Corruption doesn’t have a colour

By Adjoa Adjei-TwumFirst published on Modern Ghana Africa has always been perceived by western nations as a corrupt continent, with almost all the international organisations and rating agencies rating the continent as high risk. But the truth is that corruption has always existed in different forms and is not determined by politics or geography. It Read more >

Local municipalities in the spotlight

“The performance of local municipalities in South Africa is the indicator of the country’s heartbeat. Local municipalities are the closest institution to citizens; they reflect in great measure levels of citizen engagement – as recipients but also as contributors. In addition, local government shows, like no other indicator, the health of public institutions at the Read more >

Why people commit white collar crimes (and how to stop them)

By Alice BrightSky First published on the FCPA blog We’ve all heard of them — the Bernie Madoffs and Michael Milkens whose cinematic crimes have painted our perception of white-collar criminality. However, while wrongdoers such as Madoff and Milken are rightly villainised for their misdeeds, their dramatic schemes tend to occlude the far more common Read more >

Corruption in SA – where do we stand?

First published on The National Development Plan envisions zero tolerance for corruption in South Africa by the year 2030. With just over a decade to go, can a country that has a history of several high profile corruption cases break the cycle? This is a question asked by Rudi Kruger, GM of Governance, Risk Read more >

Lewis: Too few firms with good governance records

South Africa has some “excellent institutions”, such as the South African Reserve Bank, the National Treasury, financial regulators, the competition authorities, the JSE and the sophisticated justice system that are “keeping the country afloat”, said Corruption Watch executive director David Lewis, speaking at the Chartered Secretaries’ Premier Corporate Governance conference on Tuesday. Discussing the topic Read more >

KPMG: ABC compliance still a big challenge

KPMG released its latest global anti-bribery and corruption survey earlier in September. The report, titled Anti-Bribery and Corruption: Rising to the challenge in the age of globalization, analyses some of the key risks companies face when dealing with bribery and corruption. The survey was completed in October 2014. The auditing company polled 659 respondents around the Read more >