
SA achieves respectable score on Freedom in the World index for 2024

South Africa’s highly-anticipated national and provincial elections went off smoothly for the most part on 29 May 2024, though the voter turnout of just over 58% was disappointing but not unexpected. Nevertheless, the country’s Independent Electoral Commission, as well as the South African Human Rights Commission, declared the event free and fair after several days Read more >

Parliament ready for first sittings of NA and NCOP

Parliament secretary Xolile George briefed the media and the country on Thursday 13 June on the state of readiness for the scheduled first sittings of the seventh parliament’s National Assembly (NA) and National Council of Provinces (NCOP). The sittings take place on 14 and 15 June 2024, respectively. “We are managing … a mammoth task Read more >

Parliament’s work: the journey of how a bill becomes a law

In this election season, it is important to consider the laws that affect our day-to-day life, and beyond. Why? Because the political parties we support send their elected representatives to Parliament to work on our behalf in making laws, among other important functions. Therefore, we must carefully consider who to give our vote to – Read more >

State capture: civil society must bridge gap between public and govt

On 25 and 26 October two civil society organisations – the Public Affairs Research Institute and the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution – jointly hosted a conference to discuss government’s response to state capture and the implementation of the Zondo commission recommendations, made public last year. The event, the second of Read more >

Corruption Watch set to step up the pace of justice

By Mzukisi QoboFirst published on Business Day In 2022 Corruption Watch celebrated a decade of existence. This milestone coincided with the release of the six-volume Zondo state-capture commission report, which detailed the extent to which public officials abused their positions to engage in or facilitate corrupt activities. It also cast a spotlight on how corporates Read more >

Addressing a gap – how to better support civil society

By Kersty McCourtFirst published on Open Government Partnership Robust and vibrant civil societies play a critical role in contributing to development. Civil society helps shape policies, advocate for the needs and demands of citizens, provide essential services, protect human rights, and strengthen public participation in democracy. Yet, over the past decade, there has been insufficient Read more >

Tapping into community media is vital for both it and civil society

By Phemelo KhaasFirst published on Daily Maverick I like millennials’ redefinition of the word “influencer” because it bestows authority and respect on those who have the power to influence. It converts influence into monetary value, which is especially important in this day and age, in a period where a litre of petrol threatens to hit Read more >

BOT conference: accessible, reliable information will boost prosecutions

Corruption Watch, together with the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), the Financial Intelligence Centre, the Open Government Partnership, and Open Ownership, co-hosted a conference on taking steps towards achieving beneficial ownership transparency. Titled Collective action for beneficial ownership transparency (BOT) in South Africa: From commitment to implementation, the two-day event, on 16 and Read more >