
Seventh parliament:  are these the legislators we deserve?

By Moepeng Talane South Africa’s electorate may have taken decisive action in the 29 May polls to help discontinue the one-party rule era that we have seen since the dawn of democracy, but a whole month later, the official announcement on who will lead in the Cabinet of the government of national unity is yet Read more >

Gordhan proposes biggest shake-up of SOCs since the 1990s

This article first appeared on News24 By Carol Paton The National State Enterprises Bill, which will dramatically shake up the governance of state-owned companies (SOCs) and envisages them moving from line departments to a newly created state asset management company, was published for comment last Friday. It will also see the end of the government’s Read more >

Directly electing our president does not guarantee accountability

By Steven FriedmanFirst published on My Vote Counts Academics who teach politics do not believe that their knowledge equips them to judge court cases or to represent parties in legal actions. But judges and lawyers tend to believe that legal training somehow equips them with a knowledge of politics greater than that of their fellow Read more >

Will the president finally cut out the rot, asks CW?

President Cyril Ramaphosa campaigned, and his party won the 2019 general election, on his record of tackling corruption in the 15 months following the demise of the corrupt Zuma regime, and on his commitment to intensify the fight against corruption following this election. He has now received a mandate from the electorate and Corruption Watch Read more >

Cabinet reshuffle: CW issues strong call for action

Following last night’s cabinet reshuffle, the centre of political gravity and the last hope for the South African democracy rests with the people of South Africa and their parliamentary representatives. The events have clearly established that renewal will not come from within the ranks of the ruling party which has clearly been captured by a Read more >

Cabinet’s first 100 days sees some progress

The RDP housing database will have a modern, organised structure that will be managed by the State Information Technology Agency, while correctional services personnel will go back to school in an effort to professionalise the sector. It has only been three months, but the Cabinet appointed by President Jacob Zuma in May seems to be Read more >

New Cabinet appointments a mixed bag

In what was arguably his most keenly anticipated Cabinet announcement, President Jacob Zuma both appeased and disappointed South Africans with the appointments and redeployments he revealed to the country on Sunday. Economic prosperity, good governance and oversight and a clear commitment to combat  corruption were key areas of pubic concern ahead of the announcement of Read more >