
Seventh parliament:  are these the legislators we deserve?

By Moepeng Talane South Africa’s electorate may have taken decisive action in the 29 May polls to help discontinue the one-party rule era that we have seen since the dawn of democracy, but a whole month later, the official announcement on who will lead in the Cabinet of the government of national unity is yet Read more >

SA achieves respectable score on Freedom in the World index for 2024

South Africa’s highly-anticipated national and provincial elections went off smoothly for the most part on 29 May 2024, though the voter turnout of just over 58% was disappointing but not unexpected. Nevertheless, the country’s Independent Electoral Commission, as well as the South African Human Rights Commission, declared the event free and fair after several days Read more >

Fine qualifications alone do not a public protector make

The unprecedented removal of Busisiwe Mkhwebane as public protector highlights the importance of selecting the right person for a job – especially one of such importance – through a rigorous process that disregards party or cadre issues and focuses solely on merit and suitability. Never before has a South African public protector been removed from Read more >

CW and Casac play role in ConCourt’s public protector judgment

Image: De Rebus “They simply add no real value on the issues that have increased here.” These were the words of Advocate Hangwi Matlhape, representing Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane as she took her fight to have Parliament’s rules for the impeachment and removal of Chapter 9 heads declared unconstitutional, to the Constitutional Court (ConCourt). And Read more >

CW, Casac support parliamentary process in Mkhwebane removal matter

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA Corruption Watch (CW) and the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (Casac) have joined, as amici curiae, Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s application to have Parliament’s rules for the removal of the head of a Chapter 9 institution, declared unconstitutional. The two organisations are supporting the inquiry into Mkhwebane’s fitness to Read more >