
Our future is at risk from corruption, say SA youth in CW report

A report released by Corruption Watch today, Our Future is not for Sale, highlights the devastating impact of corruption on the lives of young people in South Africa, and how their prospects have been affected by the pervasiveness of corruption in the country.  On this International Anti-Corruption Day (#IADC2020), the report draws attention to the Read more >

Download our FunDza youth stories as e-books!

Between 2015 and 2018 we published a series of six corruption-related stories aimed at our youth supporters. The stories were developed in collaboration with the FunDza Literacy Trust, and reflect real-life scenarios that many young people find themselves in. Problems with an NSFAS student loan, exposing driver’s licence corruption, deciding whether to blow the whistle Read more >

Media advisory: launch of Transparency in Corporate Reporting 2020

Members of the media are invited to a webinar launch of the Transparency in Corporate Reporting 2020 report. The event takes place on 2 December, and is hosted by Corruption Watch and the ODI, an independent London-based global think tank, in partnership with the National Business Initiative. The report evaluates the transparency of corporate reporting Read more >

Global private sector concerned about bribery, corruption and tax evasion

A survey of the private sector conducted by the UN’s high-level panel on financial accountability, transparency and integrity (FACTI), reveals that more than 90% of respondents would welcome stronger financial accountability, transparency and integrity regulattions when all businesses are held to the same standards. The survey was conducted anonymously online from 12 to 31 August, Read more >

Whistleblowers are the heart of Corruption Watch’s fight

By Melusi NcalaFirst published on News24 Corruption is my beat. I say this reservedly for my role and duty, though seemingly small, is a huge responsibility to me. Why? I am part of a country that is still grappling with vast inequality and indigence. But South Africans are people who live in hope and that, Read more >

Dismantle the secrecy surrounding legal vehicles and their assets

Beneficial ownership is back in the news at the moment. Opacity in knowledge of the real person behind a company, trust, or corporation, and who will ultimately benefit from its activities – the beneficial owner – is crucial to combating money laundering, tax abuse, and corruption.   Illicit financial flows (IFFs) cost money, resources, and Read more >

SA falling behind in action against foreign bribery

In 2018 Transparency International released a further edition of its Exporting Corruption survey, a progress report which rates countries based on their enforcement against foreign bribery under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. The OECD convention requires signatory countries to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials and introduce related measures.  That report highlighted South Africa’s failure to Read more >

Africa can clamp down on illicit flows by using AUCPCC effectively

By Sabeehah Motala Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are costing Africa $30-billion to $40-billion per year and have eroded African countries’ tax bases, hampering their abilities to respond effectively to Covid-19 emergency needs. Lockdown, states of emergency, and all the accompanying implications mean that developing states are more vulnerable than ever to the possibility of illicit Read more >