
Corporate gifts: acceptable practice vs corruption

By Cynthia Schoeman Extracted from Ethics Can The giving and receiving of gifts is especially prevalent at this time of the year. This not only highlights the question of what is and is not acceptable and ethical, but also increases the potential for abuse. In response to the possible negative aspects of gifts, many organisations Read more >

Setting the record straight on Lokisa launch

Yesterday we released our report on corruption in the Home Affairs immigration system. Titled Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, the report was launched on a piece of land over the road from the Marabastad refugee reception office in Pretoria. The launch was notable for the absence of the key actor in the story – Read more >

CW exposes widespread corruption at Home Affairs

For the past two years Corruption Watch, with a number of partners, has been investigating corruption in the immigration section of the Home Affairs department. Today we released our report, titled Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, at a gathering outside the Marabastad refugee reception office, and the picture it paints is disturbing.     We Read more >

Widespread corruption at Home Affairs shown in CW report

22 November 2016 Corruption at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), according to a new report, Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, released by Corruption Watch today, is now so endemic that only a concerted effort by multiple stakeholders can hope to curb it. The DHA has failed to respond to any of the attempts Read more >

Media invite: launch of Home Affairs corruption report

MEDIA INVITATION New report shines light on corruption in immigration system at Home Affairs Corruption Watch and partners invite you to the of launch of a new report, Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, which focuses on how corruption impacts those seeking legal protection in South Africa, specifically refugees and asylum seekers. Basing its evidence Read more >

A tale of moral shakedowns: #1 – Trouble with traffic

By Zola Valashiya Our socialisation conditions us to be law-abiding citizens. Generally, the majority of South Africans are. Despite the crime rate, despite reports of the blatant looting of public resources by politicians, many of us still remain and aspire to be the model citizen. In a country like ours, where corruption is rife, I Read more >

The arms deal: so many questions

• First published in the Sunday Times Civil society groups have gone to court to have the findings of the Seriti commission of inquiry into the arms deal set aside. Chris Barron asked David Lewis, chairman [Note: David Lewis is the executive director of Corruption Watch; Mavuso Msimang is the chairman] of Corruption Watch … Read more >

What’s happening in the Prasa case?

If ever there was a campaign for how not to run a parastatal, the Passenger Rail Association of South Africa (Prasa) would be the poster child. In the current narrative of how the country’s state-owned entities can be better run to avoid multi-million rand losses due to poor management, Prasa is one of the talking Read more >

CW and R2K challenge Seriti Commission

Today Corruption Watch (CW) and the Right2Know (R2K) Campaign have launched an application in the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria. The application asks the court to review and set aside the findings of the Arms Procurement Commission, also known as the Seriti Commission. This follows a relentless struggle by civil society for Read more >