
CW’s 2018 Analysis of Corruption Trends report – now available

In 2017 we released our first Analysis of Corruption Trends (ACT) report, which identified five common areas where corruption frequently occurs – in schools, local municipalities, the South African Police Service (SAPS), licensing centres and traffic departments. This year’s ACT report, titled It’s Time to Act, shows more of the same. More abuse of power Read more >

How football corruption gets kicked into the shadows

By Marianne Dodson First published on The Crime Report As millions of fans geared up for last weekend’s World Cup final, a new report warned of little prospect that efforts to clean up football corruption inside the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (Fifa) will succeed. “After more than a century of scandals and a broad Read more >

Behind the scenes with Integrity Idol SA’s first winner

South Africa recently concluded its inaugural Integrity Idol campaign, organised and driven by Accountability Lab – and the resounding winner was Captain Vinny Pillay, a career police officer at the Umhlali Police Station on KwaZulu-Natal’s (KZN) north coast. Umhlali falls into the coastal district municipality of iLembe – the smallest of KZN’s district municipalities – Read more >

No basis for corruption case against me, says Zuma

It was a case of déjà vu on Friday morning when former president Jacob Zuma addressed crowds of his supporters outside the Durban High Court, following his brief appearance in relation to corruption charges reinstated against him by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) earlier this year. The case against him, he said, should be dropped Read more >

TI training manual for land corruption journos

Transparency International (TI) has developed a comprehensive training manual to support journalists in Africa who are investigating and reporting stories of land corruption. The manual is titled Investigating Land and Corruption in Africa. Corruption in land-related services in Africa is an endemic problem that has affected every second citizen on the continent in recent years, Read more >

Corruption with a chance of meatballs

By Clyde Haberman First published in the New York Times Man does not live by bread alone, it says in the Bible, and that is certainly true for some politicians accused of corruption. They also live by pasta, meatballs, rice balls, jam, tea and wine, among other comestibles. Food and drink as code words for Read more >

People’s Tribunal releases preliminary findings

Following five days of hearings the five-member panel of the first Peoples’ Tribunal on Economic Crime released their preliminary findings last night. The findings, read out by Justice Zak Yacoob at Constitution Hill, provide a strong call for accountability. They echo the closing message to the People’s Tribunal by South African Council of Churches secretary-general, Read more >