
Judgment: CPS must repay Sassa’s R316m plus interest

David-Lewis-Corruption-Watch Corruption Watch (CW) celebrates the judgment handed down today by Judge Moroa Tsoka ordering Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) to pay back, in full, the R316 447 361.41 received from the South African Social Services Agency (Sassa), with interest accrued since June 2014 until the date of payment. The organisation was previously in court on Read more >

Dlamini not off the hook regarding Sassa

Social development minister Bathabile Dlamini has been joined in her personal capacity to the Sassa/Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) case, and the issue of whether she acted in bad faith, when called upon to explain her conduct to the court, will be investigated and resolved. The Constitutional Court ruled this morning that parties must submit feedback Read more >

CW condemns SASSA’s pointless litigation

Corruption Watch (CW) condemns a decision by the South African Social Services Agency (SASSA) to withdraw from opposition to legal action that challenged a R317-million payment to social grants distributor Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) on the basis that it was irregular. CW views the conduct as wasteful of public resources, following two years of litigation Read more >

Cabinet reshuffle: CW issues strong call for action

Following last night’s cabinet reshuffle, the centre of political gravity and the last hope for the South African democracy rests with the people of South Africa and their parliamentary representatives. The events have clearly established that renewal will not come from within the ranks of the ruling party which has clearly been captured by a Read more >

Sassa-gate: profit over service

It’s been called “Sassa-gate” for all the right reasons: a government crisis characterised by several weeks of blame games; political backbiting; forensic investigations revealing unlawful information peddling; and even lawsuit threats. It is a situation that many South Africans would hate to see repeated in the future. After weeks of tension and anxiety, relief came Read more >

CW celebrates multiple triumphs for democracy in SA

17 March 2017 Today’s judgment by the Constitutional Court regarding the payment of social grants by the South African Social Services Agency (Sassa) and Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) was a resounding win for South Africans and a celebration of the independence of the judiciary in the country. Corruption Watch, in its role as amicus curiae Read more >

Court to supervise Sassa grants payments

The Constitutional Court today handed down a unanimous, blistering judgment in the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) matter. Judge Johan Froneman ruled that the court will take over supervision of the implementation of the current and future grants process, indicating that the bench had no trust in social development minister Bathabile Dlamini. “This judgment Read more >

Public must blow whistles to help us fight corruption

By David Lewis First published in Business Day Corruption is but one of the major challenges confronting SA alongside other arguably more serious problems. Think of poverty, inequality and unemployment. Think of persistent racism. Think of our public education and health systems. Think of our dysfunctional criminal justice institutions and the parlous state of critical Read more >