
Section27 takes education dept back to court

Rights group Section27 launched papers today to force Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga to comply with an earlier court order to deliver textbooks in Limpopo. The courts ruled in May that textbooks needed to be delivered by 15 June, but this deadline was later extended to 27 June. Section27 contends that the second deadline Read more >

Call to reinstate whistleblower Solly Tshitangano

Solly Tshitangano is a man who should be celebrated as a hero for his role in exposing irregularities in the textbook tender in Limpopo.  For over two years he has been at the forefront of efforts to expose irregularities in the contract awarded to EduSolutions in 2010. His story was featured on Carte Blanche on Read more >

Another textbooks court battle ‘inevitable’

By Chantelle Benjamin It’s back to court for Section27 and the National Department of Basic Education, with the lobby group saying it will lodge papers in the North Gauteng High Court in the next few weeks after trying “everything not to return to court, but it has become apparent that it’s inevitable”, according to the Read more >