
The Public Audit Act amendment bill – what’s it about?

In part one of our new two-part miniseries on the public audit, we dealt with the audit outcomes for 2017/2018, performed under the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and tabled on 21 November in Parliament by Auditor-General (AG) Kimi Makwetu. In part two, we focus on the Public Audit Act (PAA) amendment bill, that was Read more >

PFMA audit results: overall deterioration again

Our new two-part miniseries focuses on the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) audit outcomes for 2017/2018, tabled yesterday in Parliament by Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu, as well as the Public Audit Act (PAA) amendment bill that was signed into law a few days ago. On Tuesday 20 November, the Government Gazette carried the announcement that President Read more >

Public parly participation: survey reveals good and bad

The Parliamentary Monitoring Group has published a new survey on public participation in Parliament’s consultative processes. The aim was to understand who the key participants are, why and how they get involved, their observations about Parliament’s role in the process and what can be done to improve the process. The survey covered the period from Read more >