
Should Culpable Whistleblowers Be Eligible for Rewards?

By Claire BeutterFirst published on the Global Anticorruption Blog John Doe is a whistle-blower who provided critical information to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding an international bribery scheme, assisting the agency in bringing a successful enforcement action. Doe timely filed an application for reward under a provision of federal law that directs the SEC Read more >

Lamola: Whistle-blowers’ plight receiving attention

Justice minister Ronald Lamola has paid tribute to South Africa’s whistle-blowers. Speaking on 6 February at the hybrid conference on Countering the Corrupt – Reform of the Criminal Justice Administration in South Africa, Lamola said: “You are the true embodiment of the famous saying by British philosopher John Stuart Mill: ‘Bad men need nothing more Read more >

SA slides further down 2022 CPI as global anti-corruption flounders

The release today of global anti-corruption movement Transparency International’s (TI) 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is a discouraging story, as South Africa slips one point in the rankings of the leading global index measuring perceptions of public sector corruption around the world. South Africa has barely shifted position on the CPI over the 11 years Read more >

The disgraceful act of belittling and threatening corruption fighters

By Kwazi Dlamini Lack of accountability is not only a threat to our constitutional democracy, but also to Chapter 9 institutions who are tasked with upholding and strengthening that democracy. A threat to these institutions means that they cannot fulfil their mandate to their full capacity and uphold the rule of law. The recent threats Read more >