
SOE shakeup in Ramaphosa’s first 100 days

As the image and governance standards of South Africa’s state owned entities (SOEs) are being restored by the recent appointments of new boards by Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, and the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture hits the ground running, we marked the first 100 days of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s administration. His term so Read more >

State capture commission almost up and running

By Kwazi Dlamini UPDATE, 27 July 2018: Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has confirmed that the first hearings into state capture will begin on 20 August this year and implicated individuals will be alerted about the proceedings on Monday. He said the hearings will not last less than three weeks and might even take longer, Read more >

Information Regulator must start doing its job

South Africa’s Information Regulator (IR) was established in 2016, as a provision of the Protection of Personal Information Act, or Popi. The IR came into being before Popi was in force, but sections pertaining to the entity were put into effect through a presidential proclamation in April 2014. Popi was signed into law in November Read more >

Open Government Week aims to curb distrust in govt

An open, transparent, accountable and ethical government is possible when citizens, civil society and governments come together. This week, 7 – 11 May, is Open Government Week (OGW), an occasion during which countries belonging to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) will focus on developing the culture and practice of transparency, participation and accountability both in Read more >

Vote now for your SA Integrity Idol!

South Africa’s first Integrity Idol will be announced at a public ceremony on 19 May at the Artscape Threatre Centre in Cape Town. Voting is now open, so don’t waste any more time – cast your vote and honour these exemplary public servants. How to vote? National voting begins on 4 May and ends on Read more >

Print media not empowering citizens on corruption

By Vanessa Malila First published on The Conversation The mainstream media can play an important role in fighting corruption. Investigative journalists in South Africa, for instance, helped to expose how the politically connected Gupta family “captured” elements of the governing African National Congress. As watchdogs of society, the media is well placed to forge social Read more >

Access to information in Africa: highs and lows

In its 2017 State of Access to Information in Africa report, the Open Democracy Advice Centre (Odac) studies 12 African countries in terms of their access to information (ATI) laws and practices. The countries are Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Of the 12 countries under Read more >

15 ways to boost citizen anti-corruption interest

First published on Voices for Transparency Transparency International‘s social accountability coordinator Mahmoud Farag has written an inspirational series of articles on how we can get more people engaged in fighting corruption. The series is aimed not only at organisations working in the social justice arena, but is of immense benefit to anyone wanting to increase their Read more >

A nation’s fight against corruption and injustice

By Kavisha Pillay First published on News24 Time is constant; it is represented through change. Time is a concept that we usually take for granted – we believe that it will always be there, that we will always have enough of it, and that there will always be more. Unfortunately, ours is a country where Read more >