
Print media not empowering citizens on corruption

By Vanessa Malila First published on The Conversation The mainstream media can play an important role in fighting corruption. Investigative journalists in South Africa, for instance, helped to expose how the politically connected Gupta family “captured” elements of the governing African National Congress. As watchdogs of society, the media is well placed to forge social Read more >

Access to information in Africa: highs and lows

In its 2017 State of Access to Information in Africa report, the Open Democracy Advice Centre (Odac) studies 12 African countries in terms of their access to information (ATI) laws and practices. The countries are Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Of the 12 countries under Read more >

15 ways to boost citizen anti-corruption interest

First published on Voices for Transparency Transparency International‘s social accountability coordinator Mahmoud Farag has written an inspirational series of articles on how we can get more people engaged in fighting corruption. The series is aimed not only at organisations working in the social justice arena, but is of immense benefit to anyone wanting to increase their Read more >

A nation’s fight against corruption and injustice

By Kavisha Pillay First published on News24 Time is constant; it is represented through change. Time is a concept that we usually take for granted – we believe that it will always be there, that we will always have enough of it, and that there will always be more. Unfortunately, ours is a country where Read more >

CW annual report: over 5 000 complaints in 2017

Corruption Watch, in its 2017 corruption report released today, documents the extent to which growing public pressure on corrupt people and systems has contributed to the significant changes in South Africa. The report, titled The Time is Now, paints a picture of a more emboldened and vocal public, as evidenced by the 25% increase in Read more >

Zuma corruption trial: will his lawyers appeal?

By Pierre de Vos First published on Constitutionally Speaking We all know that when former President Jacob Zuma said many years ago that he wanted his day in court so that he can answer allegations that he is guilty of racketeering, corruption, money laundering and fraud, he was not being honest. Instead his lawyers have Read more >

Parents, guardians must partake in SGB elections

By Lucky Menoe First published on News24 It is early on a Saturday morning in late November 2017 as I arrive at Pendla Primary School in the Eastern Cape township of New Brighton to find that it is the latest victim in a series of school burglaries in the area. A computer and several packs Read more >

SGB elections: your chance to make a change!

School governing body (SGB) elections are currently under way, and will be until the end of March. Parents and guardians are strongly urged to take note of the date on which the voting will take place at their child’s school. The theme for this year’s elections is Be active, Be Principled. Vote wisely. Njalo!.  Participation Read more >

Be involved in children’s future: vote in SGB polls

By Melusi Ncala First published in The Herald The phrase “politics of the stomach” is familiar in political discussions in South Africa. The term is spoken among people seeking to strike deals or as justification for the forging of political relationships which inevitably lead to chasms between factions. When the words are heard, the mind Read more >