
FCPA successes still few and far between in SA

South Africa is one of numerous countries listed on an interactive online map of cases brought against and penalties paid by companies in Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) cases. The FCPA is a US law that prohibits companies from securing or retaining business abroad by means of bribery. The map, titled Where the Bribes Are, Read more >

Scopa takes Eskom to task for corruption, mismanagement

By Kwazi Dlamini The parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) has made its presence felt in overseeing the operations of state-owned entities (SOEs) by embarking on a visit to two power stations operated by the embattled electricity supplier Eskom at the end of August. Scopa members visited both Kusile and Medupi power stations amid Read more >

High Court’s Seriti judgment should cheer commission-weary SA

By Caroline James and Tara DavisFirst published on Maverick Citizen When Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane suggested in Parliament last month that President Cyril Ramaphosa appoint a commission of inquiry into the disgraced company Bosasa (now known as African Global Operations), the collective sigh of exasperation around the country was almost audible. Commissions of inquiry Read more >

Police graft leads the way in latest CW report

In its latest report released today, Corruption Watch spotlights the 1 591 brave whistle-blowers who have exposed corruption in different sectors across the country, suggesting a determination to continue to act in the face of widespread corruption in South Africa. The 2019 Analysis of Corruption Trends Report, the third edition of this half-yearly publication, also Read more >

Lifestyle audits around the corner for SA officials

By Mia HuntFirst published on Global Government Forum Patricia De Lille, the minister of public works and infrastructure, announced recently that “lifestyle audits” will be carried out on all senior staff in her department, in a bid to tackle corruption in government.  The news followed a renewed pledge by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his State Read more >

CW asks Parly to probe PP’s fitness to hold office

Today Corruption Watch submitted a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly and the parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, requesting the committee to exercise its oversight function and investigate whether the incumbent public protector is fit to hold office. The letter highlights the critical role played by the Office of the Read more >

Our relentless fight against corruption in schools in SA

By Tara DavisFirst published on Etico The idea that education is the key tool to alleviating poverty may be reductionist, but it’s not wrong. Education has the potential to create economic opportunities and upward social mobility. It is a particularly important tool in South Africa where there is an urgent need for access to redress, Read more >

Media advisory: Court reckoning for Seriti findings

The application of Corruption Watch (CW) and Right2Know (R2K) to review and set aside the findings of the Arms Procurement Commission (the Seriti Commission) finally comes to court on 11 and 12 June, after several years of dogged scrutiny of the flawed processes and ongoing efforts to hold those implicated in the alleged corruption in Read more >

Better times ahead for NPA, Batohi, Cronje assure public

The revitalisation of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is under way. On Friday the recently appointed national director of public prosecutions (NDPP), Shamila Batohi, briefed the media on progress in this regard, and also made way for Advocate Hermione Cronje, the newly appointed head of the investigating directorate within the NPA, to shed light on Read more >