
Why effective local government is important beyond 2021

By Stuart MbanyeleSource: Good Governance Africa Corruption, political instability, unskilled or unqualified appointees, mismanagement – there are some of the factors underscoring the continued poor performance of municipalities across the country. But local government elections place the power to change this lamentable situation in the hands of the people, giving them the chance to elect Read more >

IEC launches 2021 local govt elections campaign, aims to attract youth voters

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) today launched its mobilisation campaign for the upcoming 2021 local government elections, scheduled for 27 October under the theme Every Voice Together. The event was attended by a virtual audience which included diplomats, members of Parliament, and members of election management bodies across the SADC region. Dr Nomsa Masuku introduced Read more >

Dlamini complies with court order, pays CSO legal costs

In September 2018 the Constitutional Court handed down unanimous judgment on then social development minister Bathabile Dlamini’s personal liability in the matter of costs relating to the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) extending the contract of grants distributor Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) despite a finding in 2013 that the contract was invalid. But Sassa Read more >

PFMA 2020: improvement here and there, but not sustained

The latest national and provincial government audit outcomes, released by the Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA) on 31 March, show “signs of improvement” in some auditees, according to Auditor-General (AG) Tsakani Maluleke. The work was conducted under the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and covered the financial year of 2019-2020. Besides the provincial and national departments, Read more >

CW annual report: average 11 whistle-blower reports a day in 2020

The Corruption Watch (CW) 2020 annual report, titled From Crisis to Action, reflects the extent to which all organisations and individuals in South Africa witnessed and experienced the massive impact of the global coronavirus pandemic.  During this period the public was increasingly outraged by the rampant corruption that emerged in relation to procurement and distribution Read more >

MEDIA ADVISORY: CW to launch 2020 annual corruption report

Corruption Watch will release its ninth annual corruption report, titled From Crisis to Action, on Thursday, 25 March at 10h00. The report provides an overview of the organisation’s anti-corruption efforts in 2020, a year that was marred by the Covid-19 pandemic, a defining global health crisis that also exposed how deeply the culture of corruption Read more >