First published by The Parliament of South Africa
The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services on Thursday, 24 October 2019, shortlisted eight candidates for the position of the Deputy Public Protector (DPP), which will become vacant in December 2019.
Committee Chairperson, Bulelani Magwanishe said, interviews with the candidates will take place over two days, on 12 and 13 November 2019.
The committee heard that 29 applications were received, three candidates withdrew leaving 26 candidates. There is 19 out of the 26 candidates meet the legislative requirements set out in section 2A(4) 9 of the Public Protector Act 23 of 1994.
The essential qualifications of the DPP include that the person must be a South African who is fit and proper to hold office, and is a practicing advocate or attorney for 10 years, or qualified to be admitted as an attorney, and has lectured in law at a university for at least 10 years or have specialised knowledge of, or experience in the administration of justice, public administration or public finance for ten years or a Member of Parliament for at least 10 years or have any combinations of experience.
The eight shortlisted candidates are:
• Mr Moshoeshoe Jeffrey Toba;
• Adv Sonwabile Mancotywa;
• Adv Shadrack Nkuna;
• Adv Noxolo Mbangeni;
• Adv Lwazi Pumelela Kubukeli;
• Adv Puleng Matshelo;
• Mr Buang Jones; and
• Adv Kholeka Gcaleka;
Magwanishe said that due to public participation process, allegations were made by the public against some candidates. “We want to applaud the public for the good work. This has helped the process in order for Members of Parliament to have an idea of who is best suited for the job. Now we should allow the process to unfold. An allegation can be made against candidates during the interviews in order to further probe the fitness of the candidate to hold office. This is in order for us to appoint the best as South Africa deserves the best,” emphasised Magwanishe.
For media enquiries or interviews, please contact the committee’s Media Officer:
Name: Rajaa Azzakani (Ms)
Tel: 021 403 8437
Cell: 081 703 9542
• Issued by the parliamentary communication services on behalf of the chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, Mr Bulelani Magwanishe.