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Here’s a snapshot of some of the schools incidents* we’ve received from the public recently, so you can get a feel for the kind of trends we're picking up: principals exposed again, this time for nepotism, keeping teachers in the dark about school finances, and taking money meant for paying a school’s utility bill.

Principal keeping staff in the dark

“I am a teacher at XXX vocational skills centre in XXX. My concern is about the embezzlement of funds. There are two huge advertising billboards which generate an unknown amount of rands .to the school. The deal was clinched by the principal and he never disclosed how much money is generated by these billboards. Also we are in the dark about the handling of finances … during December holiday his brother was given a job to fix the schools toilets which is a clear case of nepotism.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

R9 000 splash at casino with school funds

“Corruption from 2010 January till 2013 our school is XXX. Our school is a no paying school meaning leaners are not paying school fees as they are getting a grant from the government amounting to R1.872.797.00 which is calculated per learner … Currently our school does not have textbooks for us to teach, no phone and we have to photocopy books when teaching, the school hall is dilapidated but the money for all this services is available/ allocated for. Learner support teacher material committee always buys small stationery for example they will but +- 50 pens for the whole school and the stationery will be delivered over the weekend when no member of that committee is available to account for those deliveries … Every year the budget is spent without any accountability as to where the money has gone to as everything remains the same with no progress … Grade one to grade 3 learners are asked to buy and bring to school toilet rolls and A4 papers though the money is allocated for on the budget.

What is more surprising is that as teachers we were called and told by the principal that there was a donation of R10, 000, 00 from a “supplier” for us to go and spoil ourselves on mother’s day. The money was given to one of our educators by the name of XXX in cash and we were taken to casino’s XXX restaurant and the bill was settled by cash amounting to R9000. Please investigate as to who is spending the school’s funds. I would like to remain anonymous I am contactable by phone and email for further assistance and documentations.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

Principal feathering his nest with school funds

“We experienced a very serious fraud in our school, XXX Primary. it was  done by the most highly profiled comrade, the principal.  We have numerous scenarios which need your level of expertise to investigate. These are some of that which we can share with you: the principal hired a borehole drilling machine/company.  it bored two holes, one at school and the other at his house.  The cheque paid to the company was fat and this rose suspicion that the two holes were paid by one school-cheque … Presently they are busy bullet-proofing two classrooms and the service provider is his brother in law … The school photo camera and its printer, estimated to be worth an amount of R6000, vanished from his office, and on top of that he did not allow the SGB to open the case …”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

Principal cashes in

“The principal and the sgb chairperson are only two people who are responsible for the school funds. they always sign cheques without quotations or supporting documents. Sometimes they will sign the cheque saying is for Eskom or municipal (rates), but on the cheque the principal or chairperson's name will be written. the school owes Eskom + or – R70 000 and + or – R50 000 municipality … every year the department is depositing money in the school account, 10% is for library equipment but they are not doing anything for the library, the library is non functional. if investigation can be conducted more corruption will be discovered.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.



Here’s a snapshot of some of the schools incidents* we’ve received from the public recently, so you can get a feel for the kind of trends we’re picking up: principals exposed again, this time for nepotism, keeping teachers in the dark about school finances, and taking money meant for paying a school’s utility bill.
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