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Saps wants your feedback on the service it offers

The South African Police Service is seeking public feedback on the services it offers. Go here to take part in the survey, titled Customer Satisfaction and Public Perception of the SAPS Effectiveness Survey.

Dear Participant,

The Component Research was commissioned by the South African Police Service (SAPS) to conduct a follow-up study to determine the level of customer satisfaction with service delivery by the SAPS to communities. Please take a few minutes to share your experience by completing the survey.

You are invited to participate in the Customer Satisfaction and Public Perception of the SAPS Survey.

The purpose of the survey is to establish community members’ levels of satisfaction with the services rendered by the SAPS by identifying the level of increase/decrease in service delivery and determining those aspects or weaknesses in our services that need to be improved.

 Participation in the study is voluntary, confidential, and anonymous.  Personal details such as your name will not be required or appear in any outcome related to the survey.  The information will be used for research purposes only.

After completion, the survey questionnaire information (self-administered) will be captured and processed.

Thank you for your time and valuable contribution.


SAPS Research Team

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