a[data-mtli~="mtli_filesize205kB"]:after {content:" (205 kB)"}lang="en-GB"> SA stable in CPI, but results far from comforting - Corruption Watch
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SA stable in CPI, but results far from comforting

The 2013 global Corruption Perception Index (CPI) compiled by Transparency International reveals that South Africans’ perceptions of the level of corruption have remained stable over the past two years.

South Africa is ranked 72 out of 177 countries surveyed and scored 42 out of 100. In the 2012 CPI the country ranked 69 out of 176 countries, with a score of 43. The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) measures perceived levels of public sector corruption and ranks countries based on a scale of 0-100  where  zero  means  the  country  is  perceived  as  highly  corrupt  and  100  means  the  country  is perceived as very clean.

“Our ranking and score are far from satisfactory but we take some comfort from the fact that our position seems to be stabilising.  However, there is certainly no room for complacency. The TI survey is establishing, once again, that perceptions of corruption remain very strong,”  said the executive director of Corruption Watch, David Lewis. 

South Africa's stable index scores can be attributed to the level of outrage expressed by the public in the form  of  service  delivery  protests  and  eagerness  to  report  corruption  to  independent  civil  society based organisations like Corruption Watch. The perceptions are also indicative of a public that has become  intolerant  of  the  abuse  of  public  resources  and  is  losing  trust  in  political, public, and business leadership.  

“The  challenge  is  now  to  turn  corruption  around.  There  are  some  signs  of  determined  action  to combat  corruption  in  the  public  sector.  For  example,  the  anticorruption  measures  that  the Department of Public Service and Administration is attempting to put in place are commendable.”  

Lewis added that these actions were countered by the continuing impunity on the part of those who were politically and financially powerful: “The Gupta wedding saga and on-going fiasco surrounding the President’s private Nkandla residence are indicators in the past year of impunity in operation.”  

Corruption Watch is of the view that perceptions of corruption will not change until political and business leaders are held accountable for their conduct.  

For more information contact:  

David Lewis – 082 576 3748

Bongi Mlangeni – 076 862 9086

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South Africa's score and rank in the 2013 Corruption Perception Index, published by Transparency Internatonal, has remained relatively unchanged from last year's results, but this is no reason for complacency, says Corruption Watch, and it shows that perceptions of corruption in the country are still strong.

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