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Public protector honoured by international anti-corruption peers

Corruption Watch has long championed the brave and courageous deeds undertaken by the public protector, Thuli Madonsela, to perform her constitutional duty to protect South African citizens from the misdeeds of the powerful and to expose corruption where she finds it. 

It is therefore fitting that Madonsela should be the person chosen to receive Transparency International’s Person of Integrity award for 2014. Corruption Watch was instrumental in her selection, having written a strong letter of endorsement to the Transparency International Integrity awards committee, and congratulates her on this award.  This achievement is a clear demonstration of the wide-reaching impact of the exemplary way in which she has maintained the integrity of her office and fulfilled her role in this country.

For David Lewis, executive director of Corruption Watch, it is an honour to be able to introduce one of South Africa’s most respected public servants to the international community at the awards ceremony in Berlin on Friday 17 October.

Lewis commented:  “Thuli Madonsela is undoubtedly the most revered and loved public servant in South Africa. Given the recent attacks on the public protector and her office, one of the crucial anti-corruption institutions in our constitutional democracy, this award represents a gratifying show of support from the global community.  It also gives a clear message that Madonsela’s work has not gone unnoticed on the world stage.’

The awards, launched in 2000, were created to recognise the courage and determination of the many individuals and organisations fighting corruption around the world. They honour the bravery of individuals and organisations whose efforts are making a marked difference in curbing corruption.  In past years, recipients have included journalists, civil society activists, government and corporate whistleblowers who work to investigate and unmask corruption, often at great personal risk.

In an interview with Corruption Watch, Madonsela shared her surprise and gratitude about the award and the recognition which she described as having exceeded both her expectation and contribution. However, she also expressed her initial reluctance in accepting an award that she believes belongs to her entire team for their hard work and determination to clean up the public service of corruption.

Lewis added: “Corruption Watch stands firmly behind Thuli Madonsela and her team.  We will campaign actively to ensure that when her term of office ends her successor builds on her legacy of protecting the South African public by exposing corruption and maladministration wherever it occurs.”


For more information:
Moira Campbell – 083 995 4711


It is fitting that public protector Thuli Madonsela should be the person chosen to receive Transparency International’s Person of Integrity award for 2014. This achievement is a clear demonstration of the wide-reaching impact of the exemplary way in which she has maintained the integrity of her office and fulfilled her role in this country.

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