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Here’s a snapshot of some of the schools incidents* we’ve received from the public recently, so you can get a feel for the kind of trends we're picking up: principals are at it again – this time individuals are reported to have stolen money meant for school renovations, been an accessory to a crime and taken a job without following proper procedure.  

Principal in elaborate scheme with suppliers

“The Department of Education deposited R92 000 into the school account for the renovation of the school kitchen. The principal (who is not transparent) used some of the money for other purposes. When he fell short of money, he went to borrow R50 000 from a bookseller. The bookseller deposited this R50 000 directly on the acc of the renovating company. To repay this bookseller, they both colluded to inflate the invoice when the principal later bought stationery from the same bookseller. The name of the school is *** School. The school is situated in ***.  The matter was reported education department and it then appointed a forensic firm to investigate. The investigation started in June 2013 and is still in process but our concern is that the investigation is very secretive and the SGB has not been called to testify. I would like to know if is this not a corrupt practise taking into account that it was done secretly?”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

School building project leads to theft

“There was an private person hired to build a stop nonsense or fence for the *** School. this person was hired by the principal and the project commenced and a stop nonsense was build but it was not finish because the builder was reported to the *** police station to have stolen some of the undisclosed amount of cash for the project. approximately 75 thousand was reported missing from the School account which we dont understand how and who withdraw this money. the principal *** was asked and her reply was that the case is in the police custody and she dont want to disturb their process. to my suprise the person reported to have stollen money he is now out from jail and we dont know where the case end up and no one reported back to the community regarding the case. speculation says principal,school governing body and the builder has pocketed the money and even the builder use to allude to community members that in did he stole that money. I would like the corruption watch to follow up on this matter and if possible audit the financial book of *** school. the *** police knows of the said case and a file maybe perused in order to obtain futher information relating to the case."

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

Principal gets job without following procedure

“The Circuit Manager of *** Circuit appointed the principal *** at *** School without following proper channels and legitimate process. The Principal was appointed without the post being advertised or interviews conducted. I reported the matter to the Regional Director@ ***, the office of the HOD and the MEC's office.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

Parents take on corrupt teachers

“ *** High School at *** Eastern Cape , the teachers fought with the kids and closed the school. The kids go to school every day, with no teacher at school who teaches them and they get paid at the end of the month. We reported the matter to the department … we did not get any update so far. We as the parents at that school called the meeting and we asked the teachers to come back and they refused. Please HELP.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

*Extra details that could identify the reporter or the accused have been taken out.


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Here’s a snapshot of some of the schools incidents* we’ve received from the public recently, so you can get a feel for the kind of trends we’re picking up: principals are at it again – this time individuals are reported to have stolen money meant for school renovations, been an accessory to a crime and taken a job without following proper procedure.
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