Perceptions of corruption in South Africa will be under the spotlight again on Tuesday, 25 January 2022, when Transparency International, the leading civil society organisation tackling corruption worldwide, releases its annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The CPI ranks 180 countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, drawing on 13 surveys covering expert assessments Read more >
The Judicial Commission of Inquiry into State Capture (Zondo commission) has completed its highly anticipated first report. Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, the commission’s chairperson, delivered the 874-page document on Tuesday to President Cyril Ramaphosa, who swiftly made it publicly available for scrutiny. The report provides an opportunity for civil society and the public to Read more >
The journey of whistle-blowers in South Africa has increasingly come under the spotlight, including the sometimes devastating consequences that have followed a disclosure. In a report titled Daring to Act, released to coincide with today’s International Anti-Corruption Day, Corruption Watch unveils the findings of an online perceptions survey towards whistle-blowing in South Africa. The study Read more >
Corruption Watch (CW) will, at the end of December, mark the departure of both its executive director David Lewis and board chairperson Mavuso Msimang. The latter marks the end of his second term on the board of the organisation, while Lewis embarks on other projects. Anti-corruption champion More than 10 years ago, a group of Read more >
NOTE (12 November 2021): In October 2021, Corruption Watch (C) released its first Procurement Watch Report on Procurement Risk Trends. It reported on trends emerging from data published by National Treasury on various aspects of public procurement, notably deviations from procurement procedures, contract variations and restrictions of suppliers. The report has now been updated and Read more >
NOTE TO READERS: The ACT report for 2021 is presented in a different format this year. There is no single published report – rather, this is a multimedia publication with four components. This press release | An in-depth article | A set of infographics containing the data in visually captivating form – available in high-res Read more >
By Mashudu MasuthaFirst published on Business Day Development in mining-affected communities is crippled by a lack of transparency in the management and administration of benefits. Communities all over Africa live on land brimming with mineral wealth but are cheated out of benefits owed to them because of opacity, exclusion and lack of accountability in the Read more >
A new report released by Corruption Watch (CW) today, South Africa Needs Clean Hands, highlights the corruption issues that have plagued municipalities throughout South Africa for almost 10 years, as reflected in the more than 5 000 whistle-blowers that have reported cases of corruption within local government to the organisation since its inception in 2012 until Read more >
Corruption Watch will release the report South Africa needs clean hands on Wednesday 18 August 2021. This report homes in on the extent to which municipalities have been captured to serve private interests, how municipal managers have abused their power, and how procurement irregularities have diverted resources for essential services, resulting in communities deprived of Read more >