News of the arrest of Atul and Rajesh Gupta in Dubai, the latest extradition arrest by authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is clearly a positive step forward in that country’s fight against corruption, and in South Africa’s search for accountability for state capture, says Corruption Watch. The central role played by the Gupta Read more >
Members of the media are invited to a two-day conference on beneficial ownership transparency (BOT) in South Africa, taking place in Cape Town on 16 -17 May 2022. The event is hosted by the Department of Public Service and Administration, the Financial Intelligence Centre, Open Government Partnership, Corruption Watch, and Open Ownership. The subject of Read more >
The devastation caused by the floods in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) after days of incessant and unprecedented rainfall has exposed the failure of government to protect communities from not only the impact of climate change, but also of inadequate infrastructure and planning to ensure their safety, having failed to learn from similar floods and events in the Read more >
The long journey of over 36 200 whistle-blowers in the fight against corruption in South Africa comes into focus in the 2021 edition of the Corruption Watch (CW) annual report, Pushing for change, as the organisation commemorates 10 years since its establishment in 2012. The past decade reveals a volatile experience for the brave whistle-blowers who Read more >
Corruption Watch will release its 10th annual corruption report, titled Pushing for change, on Thursday, 31 March at 08h00, as the organisation commemorates 10 years since its establishment in 2012. This special edition report includes an overview of the organisation’s anti-corruption efforts since inception, highlighting the journey leading up to activities in 2021. The report Read more >
During formal meetings in Paris last week, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) approved a revision of its recommendation 24, ushering in a new global standard on beneficial ownership transparency. This is a win for the fight against corruption, money laundering and other financial crimes around the world. It is also a collective victory for Read more >
Issued by Transparency International Corruption fuels conflict and insecurity globally, and we are now seeing its effects acutely in the case of Russia and Ukraine. Leading democracies have facilitated this conflict by allowing kleptocrats to further their interests and power across the West. Just last week, Transparency International reported on a German state foundation secretly Read more >
Tomorrow, 23 February, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana will table the 2022 national budget – his maiden speech, and the first post-crisis budget. There is widespread consensus on the need for inclusive growth and job creation, and the Budget Justice Coalition (BJC) strongly believes that economic recovery and a pro-poor budget can co-exist. However, the regression Read more >
Today’s release of Transparency International’s 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) reveals that South Africa, along with many other countries in the world, has reached a virtual standstill in its efforts to curb corruption, as human rights abuses and the erosion of democracy flourish. The CPI, the leading global indicator of public sector corruption, ranks 180 Read more >