CW welcomes judgment on protector’s powers

Corruption Watch welcomes today’s Supreme Court of Appeal judgment in the matter between Hlaudi Motsoeneng and the Democratic Alliance, in which the public protector’s powers were found to be binding. We laud the decision which found that in the absence of a review application, state and public institutions may not simply ignore the public protector’s Read more >

Picture gallery: Unite Against Corruption march

While yesterday’s Unite Against Corruption march might not have brought us the numbers we hoped for – thanks in part to a couple of eleventh-hour obstacles – it was a success in other ways. It brought a group of widely diverse groups together for a common cause. It garnered substantial media coverage, mostly positive, including Read more >

UAC – list of demands to be handed over at tomorrow’s march

UNITE AGAINST CORRUPTION DEMANDS   We, citizens and residents of South Africa, have gathered here in our thousands today under the banner of Unite Against Corruption to tell the government that we have had enough of corruption, which is crippling our economy, destroying jobs, stealing from the poor, sabotaging service delivery and undermining the basis Read more >

UAC march will go ahead on 30 September

UNITE AGAINST CORRUPTION PROTEST ACTION GOES AHEAD ON 30 SEPTEMBER Two days ahead of the first in a series of protest actions against corruption in South Africa on 30 September in Pretoria, Cape Town, and other cities around the country, the Unite Against Corruption coalition today released a statement in response to Nedlac’s decision not Read more >

UAC march goes ahead despite Nedlac

MEDIA ALERT: UAC MARCH GOES AHEAD DESPITE NEDLAC The organisers of the Unite Against Corruption march invite all media to a final press conference before we march on Wednesday 30 September. The broad spectrum of coalition members will be present and will include the trade unions, faith-based organisations, students and civil society. Four senior representatives Read more >

Invitation: media briefing on march against corruption

Media Invitation: Briefing by Civil Society organisations supporting the Unite Against Corruption marches Civil society organisations endorsing the Unite Against Corruption marches on 30 September in Pretoria and Cape Town invite media to a briefing on Tuesday 22 September that will highlight the extent to which corruption affects the work of civil society, and the Read more >

March date change to accommodate religious supporters

FAITH-BASED ORGANISATIONS DECLARE SUPPORT FOR MARCH AGAINST CORRUPTION The last week has seen a significant growth in support for Unite against Corruption and the planned anti-corruption marches. In particular, faith-based organisations have responded to our call to provide moral leadership in the fight against corruption. In order for the marches to be as inclusive as Read more >

CW admitted as amicus in DA vs SABC case

CORRUPTION WATCH ADMITTED AS AMICUS CURIAE IN MATTER BETWEEN HLAUDI MOTSOENENG AND THE DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE Corruption Watch has been granted leave to intervene as amicus curiae in Hlaudi Motsoeneng / Democratic Alliance & Others (SCA Case No. 393/15), a matter which is on appeal from the Cape High Court and which will involve a determination Read more >

More enforcement against foreign bribery needed in SA

Transparency International has today released its 2015 Progress Report, Exporting Corruption, on enforcement of the OECD’s Anti-Bribery Convention to which South Africa, together with 40 other countries, is a signatory. Once again, South Africa has been found lacking in its commitment to investigate and prosecute cross-border corruption, that is allegations of South African companies bribing Read more >