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The ad hoc committee established to nominate a person for the appointment of public protector has agreed to publish names of people that would have been nominated or applied to serve as the new public protector, said Parliament yesterday in a statement.

Committee chairperson Dr Makhosi Khoza said publishing the names of nominees or applicants is critical for public involvement.

“Soliciting views from the public is in keeping with our constitutional obligation, hence our unanimous decision to allow members of the public an opportunity to make their comments or objections on whether a particular name is fit and proper to be considered for the position of the public protector.”

Khoza further said objections against a particular nominee or applicant will not mean automatic disqualification. “The committee will have to investigate any objection before making a determination on the suitability of a particular nominee or applicant,” she added.

Public will not be excluded

The committee adopted a programme which has a strong focus on public participation.

The first stage will involve the publishing of an advert on all major national, regional and local news papers from 3 June until 24 June 2016. Efforts are under way to ensure the advert is aired on a number of radio stations as well as on Parliament’s multimedia platforms.

The committee agreed that the advert should not be limited to people that will be nominated by various individuals or groups, but should also encourage individuals who believe that they meet the requirements to send their applications.

Members of the public will get an opportunity to make their comments or objections on the names of nominees or applicants that will be made public immediately after the advert’s deadline and the finalisation of related processes. The period for members of the public to make their comments or objections is expected to run from 27 June to 1 July 2016. Members of the public will be duly informed on which platforms these names will be published.

After the public participation process, the committee will convene for shortlisting during the week of 11 to 15 July, with interviews expected to be held on 10 August.

The programme has been formulated to ensure the committee is able to table its report of its preferred nominee to the National Assembly on 31 August 2016, said Khoza.

The ad hoc committee nominee would have to be supported by more than 60% of National Assembly members before the president can act on the recommendation.

• Source: Parliament

• Image: Nic Bothma