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Here are more details for the People's March Against Xenophobia, which takes place tomorrow in Johannesburg. Download the essential information as a PDF.
Date: 23 April 2015
Time: 13h00
Venue: Start at Pieter Roos Park
Ends at Mary Fitzgerald Square
Length: 5 km walk
Route map:
- Start @ Pieter Roos Park, Corner Empire and Queen Street
- Head east on Empire Rd
- Turn right onto Empire Rd
- Continue onto Bruce St
- Turn right onto Claim St
- Head south on Claim St
- Continue onto Mooi St
- Head north on Mooi St toward Commissioner St
- Turn right onto Commissioner St
- Turn right Pixley Ka Isaka Seme St
- Head north on Pixley Ka Isaka Seme
- Turn left onto Rahima Moosa
- End @ Mary Fitzgerald Square

Here are more details for the People’s March Against Xenophobia, which takes place tomorrow in Johannesburg.
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