a[data-mtli~="mtli_filesize108kB"]:after {content:" (108 kB)"}lang="en-GB"> People's March against Corruption set for 19 August 2015 - Corruption Watch
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People’s March against Corruption set for 19 August 2015

Yesterday the steering committee of the People’s March against Corruption met to intensify plans for the anti-corruption marches we have announced for 19 August. Since our initial announcement we have been inundated by messages of support and requests as to how to get involved. The steering committee has now grown to include a representative of the major faith formations, students, the Right2Know campaign and Corruption Watch.

We confirm that the 19 August 2015 Anti-Corruption March to the Union Buildings and Parliament will go ahead under the rallying theme:

Arising from our planning meeting, early next week we will publicise a detailed call to action against corruption. This will be circulated to all cities, town and villages in our country. This call will appeal to all people from all walks of life to take action against all forms of corruption and to mark a new national commitment to ending this scourge by participating in marches and other demonstrations on 19 August 2015.

Download this statement as a PDF.

For further information contact: Oya Hazel Gumede: 082 444 9468

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