Photo of Dr John Hlophe
Corruption Watch, Freedom Under Law, and the DA have won a Western Cape High Court ruling interdicting Dr John Hlophe from serving on the upcoming round of the parliamentary Judicial Service Commission's interviews for magistrates and judges. The applicants argued that the inclusion of Hlophe in the commission was irrational, following his impeachment by the very same Parliament earlier this year.
Corruption Watch, Freedom Under Law, and the DA have won a Western Cape High Court ruling interdicting Dr John Hlophe from serving on the upcoming round of the parliamentary Judicial Service Commission's interviews for magistrates and judges. The applicants argued that the inclusion of Hlophe in the commission was irrational, following his impeachment by the very same Parliament earlier this year.
Hlophe not allowed in judges’ interviews, says WC High Court
Corruption news
Microphones at a press conference
Corruption Watch and Webber Wentzel will launch their jointly developed Best Practice Guide on Community Consultation in the South African Extractives Industry at an in-person event and virtually on Thursday, 3 October 2024. The guide is part of Corruption Watch's activities in the Rallying Efforts to Accelerate Progress in Africa Project.
Corruption Watch and Webber Wentzel will launch their jointly developed Best Practice Guide on Community Consultation in the South African Extractives Industry at an in-person event and virtually on Thursday, 3 October 2024. The guide is part of Corruption Watch's activities in the Rallying Efforts to Accelerate Progress in Africa Project.
MEDIA ADVISORY: Launch of best practice guide on community consultation in mining
Media advisory
CW urges AU WGEI to step up action against corruption in mineral extraction

Corruption news

Corruption Watch has written an open letter to the AU's Working Group on Extractive Industries, Environment and Human Rights Violations, urging it to step up action against corruption in the extractives industry. The organisation has made several recommendations which, it says, will help the working group to more efficiently fulfil its mandate.
Corruption Watch has written an open letter to the AU's Working Group on Extractive Industries, Environment and Human Rights Violations, urging it to step up action against corruption in the extractives industry. The organisation has made several recommendations which, it says, will help the working group to more efficiently fulfil its mandate.
Meaningful consultation between communities and mining companies, says Dr Godknows Mudimu in this research paper prepared for Corruption Watch, translates into meaningful outcomes for those who hold informal title to land. The law requires such consultation between the parties involved, which strengthens the bargaining position of affected communities and sets out a way forward that accommodates all needs.
Meaningful consultation between communities and mining companies, says Dr Godknows Mudimu in this research paper prepared for Corruption Watch, translates into meaningful outcomes for those who hold informal title to land. The law requires such consultation between the parties involved, which strengthens the bargaining position of affected communities and sets out a way forward that accommodates all needs.
Proper consultation is key to meaningful outcomes for mining-affected communities

Corruption news

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Corruption Watch has been fighting corruption in South Africa since January 2012

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Hlophe not allowed in judges’ interviews, says WC High Court

Image: Polity The parliamentary Judicial Services Commission (JSC) interviews for magistrates and judges, an important annual event in the judiciary’s calendar for the month of October, will take place without impeached judge and MK Party parliamentary leader Dr John Hlophe. This after the Western Cape High Court on Friday granted applicants in the matter calling Read more >

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Public Interest SA invites nominations for the 2024 Whistleblowers Awards

Public Interest South Africa (PISA) is proud to announce the opening of nominations for the 2024 Whistleblowers Awards. These prestigious awards aim to recognise and honour whistleblowers for their courageous efforts in exposing unethical behaviour and to promote ethical conduct, transparency, and accountability within organisations and society. The 2024 Whistleblowers Awards are presented in partnership Read more >

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