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November 2020

Posts for November 2020

2 November 2020

Former chairperson of SAA Technical and SAA board member Yakhe Kwinana kicked off the week’s proceedings at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday by addressing what she called double standards of its legal and investigations teams.

Kwinana’s whataboutism thwarted by Zondo

2 November 2020

Yakhe Kwinana has denied bullying Swiss ground handling services company Swissport into pulling in JM Aviation as its BEE partner in early 2015. Swissport entered into a contract with SAA Technical – of which Kwinana was chairperson – in 2012 for ground handling services.

Kwinana denies meddling in SAAT ground handling contract

3 November 2020

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, said on Tuesday that there needs to be a review of processes involved in the appointment of board members of state-owned companies.

Appointment process to SOE boards needs review, says Zondo

4 November 2020

“Chairperson, may I not answer that question, in case I incriminate myself.” This was the line of the day at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday, when former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni testified via video link.

Myeni refuses to answer SAA-related questions from Zondo

5 November 2020

While former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni may feel aggrieved that the commission of inquiry into state capture is selective in its pursuit of cases within its mandate, it is up to her to report any corruption that she knows of before the commission’s term ends.

Zondo tells Myeni to report corruption she knows of

5 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture should charge former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni for breaching an order of its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo by disclosing the name of a witness who appeared in-camera in February this year.

Charge Myeni for rules breach, says evidence leader to Zondo

6 November 2020

Dudu Myeni has registered prejudice from the commission of inquiry into state capture through her lawyers, citing what they see as inefficiencies on the part of its legal team.

Myeni lawyers cry prejudice from Zondo

8 November 2020

Yakhe Kwinana walked away from her chairperson role at SAA Technical and non-executive board membership at SAA in August 2016, taking with her an undue benefit of millions of rands from a R1.5-billion irregular contract for the supply of components, and a conflict of interest that benefited her private auditing business.

Dishonest Kwinana’s evidence explained

9 November 2020

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, on Friday concluded the day’s proceedings by explaining the circumstances surrounding the testimony of former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni and her refusal to answer most of the questions set to her.

Myeni’s silence amid damning evidence

10 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday of the events in 2015 and 2016 surrounding the suspension of Denel’s CEO, CFO and company secretary, allegedly without following proper processes.

Zondo hears of Denel board’s mistreatment of execs

10 November 2020

Former Denel CFO Fikile Mhlontlo has confirmed that the leadership of subsidiary Denel Land Systems (DLS) favoured Gupta-linked VR Laser over LMT, which is majority owned by the parastatal, for a 2014 tender to manufacture platform hulls as part of its Hoefyster project.

Denel CFO unaware of favouritism towards Gupta company

11 November 2020

Gupta-linked VR Laser got the nod from former Denel GCEO Zwelakhe Ntshepe to partner with the parastatal in a foray into the Asian market in 2015, despite warnings from a due diligence process that warned against it.

Rushed Denel Asia deal explored

11 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday shone the spotlight on a decision by former Denel GCEO Zwelakhe

Former Denel CEO grilled over policy violation to favour Gupta company

11 November 2020

While former Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona fought his suspension from the power utility in early 2015 through the courts, the board was preparing for his exit and to negotiate a settlement with him.

Koko favoured by biased board, says Daniels

12 November 2020

It was former Denel GCEO Riaz Saloojee who proposed to a CEO within one of its divisions to favour Gupta-linked VR Laser in the awarding of a single source contract in 2015 because the company was politically connected.

Denel CEO Saloojee ordered favouring of Gupta company

13 November 2020

Former Denel board chairperson Daniel Mantsha kicked off his testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday by defending his board’s decision to suspend the company’s top three executives in September 2015.

Former Denel chair Mantsha takes the stand before Zondo

16 November 2020

Former president Jacob Zuma will return before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday to hear the way forward on his application for chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself. Zondo spent the day on Monday listening to arguments from both his legal team and that of Zuma, who brought the application forward for a number of reasons.

Zuma vs Zondo: application for judge’s recusal heard

19 November 2020

Former president Jacob Zuma walked out of the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday, with a parting shot from his lawyer Muzi Sikhakhane that a formal complaint will be lodged with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) about its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

What now for Zondo as Zuma walks out?

23 November 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo is laying a criminal complaint against former president Jacob Zuma for defying a summons compelling him to appear before him last week. Zondo will be asking the secretary of the commission of inquiry into state capture, which he chairs, to start the formal process.

Zondo lays criminal complaint against Zuma for walkout

23 November 2020

There is a lot of work that corporate South Africa needs to do to help eradicate corruption and fraud, because government does not engage in corruption on its own. This is how Stephen van Coller, group CEO of IT giant EOH Holdings Limited, finished off his brief appearance before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Corporate SA just as complicit in corruption, says EOH CEO

25 November 2020

ENS forensic director Steven Powell told the state capture commission on Wednesday that directors of IT company EOH made several payments to prominent ANC members, including Zizi Kodwa, Reggie Nkabinde and the advisor of former president Jacob Zuma, Siyabulela Zintwa.

Motsoeneng’s ‘people skills’ helped him rapidly climb the ladder

26 November 2020

Today, evidence leader Matthew Chaskalson cross-examined Phetolo Ramosebudi, former treasurer of Airports Company South Africa (Acsa), regarding his implication in channelling tenders to the Gupta-linked company Regiments Capital.

Ramosebudi invokes right to not answer potentially incriminating questions

27 November 2020

Current Johannesburg mayor Geoff Makhubo got his turn to answer questions at the state capture commission after he was alleged to have influenced contracts from the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) in favour of the Gupta-linked Regiments Capital.

Makhubo rejects idea that he influenced tenders at CoJ

27 November 2020

Former Transnet treasurer Phetolo Ramosebudi spent his second day before the state capture commission on Friday answering questions on the involvement of Trillian in the parastatal’s loan negotiations to help fund its locomotives procurement project.

Nothing wrong with Trillian deal, says former Transnet treasurer

30 November 2020

Former South African Revenue Service (Sars) commissioner Tom Moyane not only pre-empted the pursuit of several officials linked to the ‘rogue unit’, but he knew what he was doing in 2015 when he laid a criminal complaint against them in relation to the unit.

Gordhan grilled in longest Zondo cross exam to date

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