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November 2018

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Posts for November 2018

12 November 2018

Former public services minister Barbara Hogan, who was named in the testimony of Vytjie Mentor in August, appeared before the commission today and gave details of how former president Jacob Zuma pressured her to appoint a Transnet CEO of his choosing – one who was not as suitable as the board’s choice, and who at the time was involved in a misconduct disciplinary process to boot.

Barbara Hogan tells commission of Zuma’s meddling

13 November 2018

Former Eskom CEO Jacob Maroga, at the time leading up to his departure from the power utility in late 2009, was a chief executive who had gone rogue, understanding that he had the backing of the president. This is the description of former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan during her second day of testimony.

Zuma interfered in Eskom leadership

14 November 2018

Barbara Hogan wraps up her testimony, describing former president Jacob Zuma’s complete disregard for good governance in SEOs, while Mwanzele Manyi gets his day before the commission, defending the controversial changes he made while head of GCIS.

Hogans describes Zuma interference in SAA

Manyi defends the changes he made in GCIS

15 November 2018

The Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture sat briefly on Thursday morning to deal only with procedural matters involving the return of two witnesses, former MP Vytjie Mentor and former finance minister Nhlanhla Nene, who testified in August and October respectively.

Nene, Mentor set to make second appearance

16 November 2018 – week 13 overview

After a month-long break, the Zondo Commission into allegations of state capture resumed on 12 November, and immediately gave South Africans much to think about. From former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan detailing the interference of former president Jacob Zuma in leadership issues in SOEs, to former GCIS head Mzwanele Manyi pointing fingers at his successor Phumla Williams, it was an interesting first week back.

Week 13 overview

19 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan made his highly anticipated appearance before the commission. Gordhan revealed information that showed how keen the South African government was in 2014 to secure the nuclear deal with Russia.

Gordhan tells of government’s push to secure nuclear deal

Read Gordhan’s full statement to the commission.

20 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan continued with his testimony, which is expected to wrap up on Wednesday 21 November. He described the efforts made by the Zuma government to push him out of Treasury.

Gordhan was aware of moves to eliminate him

21 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan said that a general fear of retribution from powerful people in the state capture machinery was a big reason that many in the ruling party have not reported corruption they see happening. Gordhan finished his testimony and was followed by former treasury director-general Lungisa Fuzile.

Gordhan defends fearful state capture whistle-blowers

21 November 2018

Recalling the events of December 2015, former treasury director-general Lungisa Fuzile said that in retrospect, it all fits like a hand in glove – that this is how the takeover of departments is designed. He added that a similar pattern of events had happened at the Department of Mineral Resources, which was taken over by Mosebenzi Zwane in September of that year.

Fuzile describes plan to put Gupta stooges in senior treasury posts

22 November 2018

Former finance minister Des van Rooyen’s stay in Treasury in late 2015 may have been a uniquely short one, but it had serious consequences for the department – particularly then director-general Lungisa Fuzile – largely because of his lack of attention and appreciation for protocol and procedure.

Van Rooyen’s disregard for proper Treasury procedure

22 November 2018

Insults and derogatory statements, such as those made yesterday by EFF leader Julius Malema, severely undermines the seriousness of the work being done by the Zondo Commission, and could negatively influence the willingness of witnesses to give vital testimony. CW has called on Deputy Chief Justice Zondo to hold Malema to account for his disrespectful words.

Corruption Watch press statement

23 November 2018 – week 14 overview

A treasury in disarray – this was the main focus of this week’s testimony at the Zondo Commission. Former finance minister Pravin Gordhan and his former director-general Lungisa Fuzile painted a disturbing – and at times, amusing – picture of the goings-on in National Treasury during 2014 and 2015.

Week 14 overview

26 November 2018

Former treasury spokesperson Phumza Macanda told the Zondo Commission that she, like her former colleagues who have testified before her, had the impression that Des van Rooyen did not know the two advisors he brought along to the department when he was appointed finance minister in 2015.

Van Rooyen in over his head

27 November 2018

“The commission will not consider what is said outside the commission and in media, and anyone with credible evidence should come forward and give it,” said Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, responding to allegations made by the EFF against public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan and the commission’s head of legal Paul Pretorius.

Commission will only consider evidence placed before it

29 November 2018

In December 2010, just weeks into Cheryl Carolus’ tenure as chairperson of South African Airways, former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba sought to impose a private Indian-based airliner on the leadership of SAA.

Gigaba wanted Carolus to relinquish Jhb-Mumbai route to Indian airline

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