Bystander exposes metro cop brutality

Our new hero is Ivory Park hawker Thato Mokobe*, who filmed Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) cops beating up a local resident in April. This is the first time such damning evidence has been recorded and exposed by a bystander. The article about the four cops kicking and stamping on Ivory Park resident Andries Ndlovu, Read more >

Corruption snapshot: 9 – 17 May

SA faces ‘failed state status’ over graft, warns SC South Africa is staring “failed state status” in the face and urgent steps are needed to address the scourge of corruption. This is the view of Paul Hoffman, SC, from the Institute for Accountability in Southern Africa, who has told the Cape Town Press Club that Read more >

Report on Gauteng speaker expected in June

By Chantelle Benjamin The Gauteng ethics and privilege committee is expected to receive a report next month detailing allegations of a conflict of interest and misuse of public funds by provincial speaker of the legislature Lindiwe Maseko. It is not clear when in the month the report will be submitted to the Gauteng legislature, as Read more >

Has SA become a sunny place for shady people?

By Glenn Ashton The last few years has seen a steady procession of various shady characters from around the world paraded across our headlines and through our legal systems. So is South Africa becoming a sunny place for shady people? To be more precise, are our democratic institutions at risk from infiltration by international criminals Read more >

Police probed for irregularities worth billions

By Chantelle Benjamin The South African Police Service (SAPS) is being probed by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) in at least five different areas for misuse of funds and supply chain management irregularities believed to be worth billions of rands. The Hawks are assisting the SIU with a number of investigations, including the probe into Read more >

Sleek salesman has me worried

Dear Corruption Watch I run the sales division of a large company. I have been worried that one of my employees is just too successful. He's go-getting and energetic, so perhaps my concerns are unfounded, but his ability to close transactions is almost 100%. Am I able to read his e-mails, or even hire a Read more >

Corruption snapshot: 3 – 9 May

Cabinet concerned about corruption and in-fighting within the SAPS Cabinet voices concern about high number of corruption cases within the police force but fail to discuss the issue of crime intelligence boss Richard Mdluli. Cabinet on Friday expressed serious concern about corruption and in-fighting in the senior ranks of the South African Police Service (SAPS) Read more >

Mdluli shifted to new department

Crime intelligence boss Richard Mdluli has been removed from his position announced Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa in Parliament on Wednesday. However, Mdluli who was controversially reinstated as crime intelligence boss in March after murder and fraud charges against him were questionably withdrawn, will not be suspended but rather moved to another division within the SAPS Read more >

The law for sale – a timeline

Where did it all begin? We examine the development of corrupt practices in the Johannesburg Metro Police Department – and efforts to curtail this corruption – over the past two decades. Mid-1990s – Before the JMPD is created traffic police in Johannesburg already have a reputation for corruption.  1996 – The newly appointed head of Read more >