Police’s graft tolerance feeds ‘code of silence’

By Chantelle Benjamin A new study has found a direct link between South African Police Service (SAPS) members’ willingness to report on law-breaking colleagues and the extent to which the guilty parties believe their colleagues will keep silent, as well as whether they believe action will be taken against the lawbreaker. Considering that a previous Read more >

Metcalfe textbooks report: what you need to know

By Mary Metcalfe REPORT: VERIFICATION OF TEXT BOOKS DELIVERIES IN LIMPOPO 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I was asked by SECTION27 and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to verify the state of delivery of textbooks to schools serving Grade 1-­‐3 and Grade 10 Learners in the Limpopo Province as at 27th June 2012. This was agreed Read more >

Individual citizens can and must combat graft

Are you faced with an ethical dilemma? Are you witnessing corruption but don’t know what to do about it? Ask the team of Corruption Watch experts what to do by writing to: letters@businesstimes.co.za and mark your letter ‘Dear Corruption Watch’. Dear Corruption Watch, Each year South Africa loses up to 20% of its procurement budget Read more >

Dirco’s resolute move gets a thumbs up

Our hero this week is the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) for suspending one of its ambassadors alleged to have accepted a multimillion-rand bribe to help MTN secure a lucrative operating licence in Iran in 2005. Both the official and the cellphone giant have denied the claims. Listen to our clip which recently Read more >

Textbook bungle: cast of characters

Cast of characters (in alphabetical order): Angie Motshekga, is the basic education minister. Tshitangano wrote to her of his concerns in June 2011, to which she responded in July. She has laid the blame for the textbook non-delivery at the door of Anis Karodia. In April 2012, she assured EduSolutions the contract would go ahead, Read more >

Updated timeline of Limpopo textbook saga

2012: 12 July – A task team appointed by the Department of Basic Education and headed by former Gauteng education MEC Mary Metcalfe audits the delivery of textbooks at 10 percent of schools and was expected to present a draft report by Wednesday 11 July. 11 July – Glen Kubayi is released on R2 000 Read more >

Education scandal deepens

When you are in a hole, the sensible thing to do is to stop digging. But when it comes to the delivery of textbooks to schools and the rot in the country’s education departments, it seems the corruption just keeps getting deeper. Read the updated textbook saga timeline here and the full cast of characters Read more >

Integrity has its own champion

By Chantelle Benjamin The Gauteng Integrity Commissioner is unique in South Africa – no other province has one. The position is modelled largely on a Canadian system, but its history has not always been smooth sailing, with the occasional court case, questions raised by an accountability monitor and a precedent set in a ruling that Read more >

How to use the new Companies Act

Are you faced with an ethical dilemma? Are you witnessing corruption but don’t know what to do about it? Ask the team of Corruption Watch experts what to do by writing to: letters@businesstimes.co.za and mark your letter ‘Dear Corruption Watch’. Dear Corruption Watch, Last month I read a news story about a test case for Read more >