Unpacking SA’s education crisis – part one

The textbook crisis has been given saturation coverage in the media – but after all the reportage, do we really understand the core issues? Over the next few weeks Corruption Watch will bring you a six-part series that will offer exclusive and insightful analysis on the fiasco, explain its significance in the broader picture of Read more >

Illegal to pay the police bribes

Are you faced with an ethical dilemma? Are you witnessing corruption but don’t know what to do about it? Ask the team of Corruption Watch experts what to do by writing to: letters@businesstimes.co.za and mark your letter ‘Dear Corruption Watch’.   Dear Corruption Watch,   Four Chinese guests of mine, here on business, rented a Read more >

Joburg hawker takes a stand on corrupt cops

Our hero this week is hawker Jeffrey Neakonde who reported crooked cops to the police watchdog body, the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), after his goods were unlawfully confiscated. It’s not easy being an informal trader. The competition is stiff, the margins are slim, and the hint of cold or wet weather can ruin the Read more >

W Cape cops play robbers

By Lorraine Louw There is an old saying that you should set a thief to catch a thief. The thing about old sayings is that they often have their origins in truth. Certainly, independent consultant criminologist Liza Grobler seems to have found it to be the case. Grobler spent three years talking to cops here Read more >

Joint call to reinstate Solly Tshitangano

Corruption Watch joins the call by rights group Section27 to reinstate Solly Tshitangano, who raised the flag on the EduSolutions tender to procure and deliver textbooks to Limpopo schools and was fired for his efforts. “We unequivocally support this call and we believe tougher action should follow his allegations of corruption,” said Corruption Watch executive Read more >

Call to reinstate whistleblower Solly Tshitangano

Solly Tshitangano is a man who should be celebrated as a hero for his role in exposing irregularities in the textbook tender in Limpopo.  For over two years he has been at the forefront of efforts to expose irregularities in the contract awarded to EduSolutions in 2010. His story was featured on Carte Blanche on Read more >

Can disclosure change a culture of corruption?

This Thursday, 23 August, is D-Day for 129 members of South Africa’s parliament to submit their annual declarations of interest, detailing their business dealings and property ownership. This follows a recent Business Day Live report that revealed almost a quarter of MPs had missed the initial 31 July cut-off date. If there is a conflict Read more >

Be cautious about this SPV company

Are you faced with an ethical dilemma? Are you witnessing corruption but don’t know what to do about it? Ask the team of Corruption Watch experts what to do by writing to: letters@businesstimes.co.za and mark your letter ‘Dear Corruption Watch’.   Dear Corruption Watch We are a company engaging in short-term oil trades. Our West Read more >

Corruption Watch calls for Neo Africa probe

Corruption Watch is calling for a review of every public sector tender involving Neo Solutions – now known as Neo Africa – a company exposed in Sunday’s City Press and alleged to have bribed senior government officials in exchange for securing state tenders. The exposé comes after a whistleblower approached Corruption Watch with evidence including Read more >