Join us, businesses are urged

Corruption Watch director David Lewis has called on business owners to encourage their employees and customers to become active participants in the battle against corruption. Speaking at the White Collar Crime and Corruption Seminar held at Melrose Estate on 4 September, Lewis urged businesses to sign the organisation’s anti-corruption pledge, stressing that because business was Read more >

Metro cops on the spot again

Every day, street traders in Johannesburg are expected to pay bribes to the police: if they don’t pay up, their stock is confiscated and they are ticketed. After they pay the fines, the hawkers find that not all of their stock is returned; most of it is still missing. Last week, on Behind the Headlines Read more >

Unpacking SA’s education crisis – part three

In this, the third of our six-part series on the unfolding education crisis, we examine the Limpopo textbook contract against the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act and other tender regulations, highlighting the “irregularities” that have characterised this particular deal. Media professionals are free to use all copy and photographs from this series on Read more >

No to tender bribery

Are you faced with an ethical dilemma? Are you witnessing corruption but don’t know what to do about it? Ask the team of Corruption Watch experts what to do by writing to: and mark your letter ‘Dear Corruption Watch’. Dear Corruption Watch, We are an entrepreneurial construction firm looking forward to benefiting from government infrastructure spending. Read more >

Info Bill changes a coup for civil society groups

Civil society organisations and opposition parties and have welcomed the ANC’s move to make amendments to the contentious Protection of State Information Bill, with such developments highlighting the importance of public participation. In response to widespread objection to the proposed legislation, the National Council of Provinces ad hoc committee dealing with the Bill met on Read more >

Tough-talking Nxesi gets hero status

“To corrupt individuals, I want to leave you with the following thought: You can run, but you can’t hide. If you steal from the poor we are coming to get you.” These frank words, spoken by Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi at a news conference this week, together with his no-nonsense approach to ridding his Read more >

The boxer and the tycoon

They say a picture paints a thousand words – nothing could be more true than the recent coverage of company Neo Africa in City Press, which carries a photograph of the firm’s owner Vivien Natasen posing with a certain boxing coach … Natasen, in his open-collar shirt and pin-stripe jacket, is locked in an action Read more >

Unpacking SA’s education crisis – part two

In this, the second of our six-part series on the unfolding education crisis, we explore how the Limpopo cases shines a light on the troublesome link between service delivery and corruption, and bring you fascinating insight on why this particular crisis prompted the response it got from government and civil society. Media professionals are free Read more >

A letter to Minister Angie Motshekga

Ms Angie Motshekga MP Minister of Basic Education Sol Plaaitjie House Struben Street Pretoria Dear Minister The Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (Casac) is deeply concerned that Mr Solly Tshitangano, the former Acting Chief Financial Officer in the Limpopo Department of Education, was dismissed in December last year despite playing such Read more >