My Corruption-Free Africa – blogging rules

My Corruption-Free Africa Blogging rules My Corruption-Free Africa is an online competition that encourages African youth to participate in a writing and/or photography challenge based around the theme of anti-corruption. Writing specifications Submit an original piece that is between 800-1000 words long for a blog entry or 2000 – 3000 words long for a short Read more >

Corruption Watch teams up with Fiesta Black to create waves on International Anti-Corruption Day

Corruption Watch has collaborated with feisty young up and coming artist Fiesta Black, to create a hard-hitting song that expresses the exasperation that many people feel about the high levels of corruption in South Africa. The song “Hayi Basile”, which loosely translated means “They are wicked”, is being released by Corruption Watch on 9 December, Read more >

CW and Fiesta Black: together against corruption

Corruption Watch has collaborated with feisty young up and coming artist Fiesta Black, to create a hard-hitting song that expresses the exasperation that many people feel about the high levels of corruption in South Africa. The song “Hayi Basile”, which loosely translated means “They are wicked”, is being released by Corruption Watch on 9 December, Read more >

Hero and Zero for 2014

It’s that time of the year when we look back on the individuals, organisations, and institutions who frustrated us, made us weep and gnash our teeth, made us throw up our hands, but also impressed us, gave us hope, and inspired us. Yes, it’s Hero and Zero of the Year time. Last year it was Read more >

Vote for your hero and zero of the year!

It’s that time of the year when we look back on the individuals, organisations, and institutions who frustrated us, made us weep and gnash our teeth, made us throw up our hands, but also impressed us, gave us hope, and inspired us. Yes, it’s Hero and Zero of the Year time. Last year it was Read more >

Planning for OECD phase 4 is under way

Phase 4 monitoring of the implementation of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) anti-bribery convention will soon get under way. The fourth phase, driven by the working group on bribery (WGB), is currently in the planning stage – the WGB recently called for comment from interested organisations, institutions and parties on how the Read more >

SA fares poorly in the global Corruption Perceptions Index, yet again

Today’s release of Transparency International’s (TI) 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), the most widely used indicator of corruption worldwide, highlights again the gradual erosion of trust in South Africa’s public sector. Corruption Watch notes with great concern that the country has again scored below 50.  According to TI, a score below 50 indicates a significant Read more >

Minimal CPI improvement for SA

Transparency International’s (TI) 20th Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) has been released today. The annual index ranks countries or territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. The lower the score, which falls between 100 and 0, the more corrupt the country is perceived to be. Out of 175 countries scrutinised, South Africa managed to Read more >

Sex for marks a criminal act

Dear Corruption Watch My daughter's best friend's teacher wants her to perform a sexual favour in exchange for good marks. She is terrified both of "paying the bribe" and telling her parents or the headmaster about this abuse of power. What are her rights and what recourse does she have to fight this vile corruption? Outraged Read more >