A further Sassa judgment handed down

The Constitutional Court on Tuesday handed down another judgment in the case between AllPay Consolidated Investment Holdings and the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa). The judgment was for an application for the review of a request for proposals (RFP), issued in respect of a public procurement tender, worth R10-billion, for the payment of social Read more >

Arms suppliers deny bribery and corruption

By Lee-Ann Alfreds A German arms company did not pay a bribe to arms acquisition chief Chippy Shaik to ensure they won the tender to supply four frigates to the South African Navy. Testifying before the Arms Procurement Commission, Klaus Wiercimok, senior in-house attorney for ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, denied the company had paid US$3-million to Read more >

Don’t pay a traffic bribe!

Two Mthatha, Eastern Cape, traffic officers were arrested last week for allegedly trying to solicit a bribe from a truck driver. For having the courage to report the officers for their conduct, the truck driver is our hero of the week. The officers, both in their 30s, were arrested on Tuesday by members of the Read more >

SGBs succeed with transparency, trust and teamwork

By Valencia Talane When the school governing body (SGB) system works, it works very well. When it doesn’t, the consequences are disastrous and it is usually learners who suffer the most. This is the view of Thabo Shole-Mashao, a TV and radio personality and an entrepreneur. Until the end of 2014, Shole-Mashao had been chairperson Read more >

Private sector can bring company crooks to justice

Dear Corruption Watch: You wrote about offshore Swiss bank accounts for people like Fana Hlongwana, whose name has been linked to the arms deal. Since South Africa still has exchange controls limiting the amount of money an individual can take offshore, have these people necessarily contravened these laws? And if they used money-laundering techniques to Read more >

#MyHandsAreClean … are yours?

First published on Transparency International The call to action is a simple one: take a photo of your hand, post it on Twitter using the hashtag #MyHandsAreClean and nominate your friends and colleagues to do the same. This is how our partner in South Africa Corruption Watch is promoting its theme for this year, which Read more >

Charges reinstated against Mdluli, Barnard

Corruption Watch has followed the Richard Mdluli case almost since the day the organisation launched. For years Mdluli, the former head of police crime intelligence, has evaded justice relating to charges of, among others, murder, attempted murder, assault and corruption. In March 2011 he was charged with murder, attempted murder, intimidation, kidnapping, assault, grievous bodily Read more >

The Whistleblowers

Together with the FunDza Literacy Trust, we now publish our second youth-targeted story. Our first drama, Licensed to Lie, resonated with everyone in South Africa who has come into contact with corruption. Follow it chapter by chapter! Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |  Chapter 6  |  Read more >

Swiss accounts not beyond law’s reach

Dear Corruption Watch, I've been reading about the South Africans with Swiss bank accounts. Now that many of them have been named, what happens next? Do the police, or people in the South African Revenue Service or other anti-corruption teams investigate them? Zurich Wannabe Dear Zurich Wannabe, We can think of several agencies or institutions Read more >