Taxpayers paying alleged fraudsters’ legal bills

Our zero this week is the Matjhabeng local municipality in the Free State – not content with spectacularly mismanaging its own budget, the municipality is footing the legal bill for two former MECs who are in court for alleged abuse of public funds. Matjhabeng, according to News24, has never received a clean audit since its Read more >

Immigrants face a continuing cycle of abuse

By David Lewis First published in City Press The glare from the xenophobic flames burning these past weeks should not blind us to the reality that what we are witnessing is simply a moment in the slow violence to which immigrant communities are subject every day and in every interaction with South African officialdom. After Read more >

Defamation is fine – in Parliament

Dear Corruption Watch, I never thought I'd say this, but watching proceedings in Parliament has become increasingly interesting. That said, I'm sometimes quite alarmed by what the MPs accuse each other of – from suggestions of corruption to calling the president a thief. I thought we had laws protecting people from being defamed. Why doesn't Read more >

Global corruption snapshots: 30 Apr 2015

Guatemala president won't resign after massive anti-corruption demonstration After an estimated 15,000 protesters flooded the central plaza of Guatemala City on Saturday in a grassroots anti-corruption demonstration, President Otto Perez Molina promised justice but said he would not be stepping down as protesters demanded.The weekend protest was organized entirely on social media and seems to Read more >

Civil society disappointed by OECD choice of Alderman

Corruption Watch is one of six signatories of an open letter to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), protesting the organisation’s recent appointment of Richard Alderman to its high-level advisory group to review the OECD’s efforts on bribery. The group is concerned about Alderman’s apparent preference for using settlements to wrap up cases Read more >

Corruption in defence – a matter of life or death

Transparency International (TI) UK has released its 2015 defence companies anti-corruption index – the second edition. Building on the first index released in 2012, TI UK says that just 33% of defence companies improved the transparency and quality of their anti-corruption programmes – and two-thirds don’t make the grade. “Companies that have improved are taking Read more >

Turn up the heat on climate-fund fraud

Dear Corruption Watch, I'm a proud "eco-warrior" and have a strong interest in protecting our environment. Can corruption harm the environment? – Concerned eco-warrior Dear Eco-warrior In recent decades, environmental degradation has become a serious problem. It is deeply concerning that we are threatening the existence of whole ecosystems, and environmental damage can also have Read more >

CW gathers data on corruption threats to refugees

Reports received by Corruption Watch indicate that foreign nationals, most notably refugees, face extortion, threats and solicitation from a number of government agencies on a regular basis. To date Corruption Watch has received over 100 reports to this effect. All reports involve state officials demanding bribes, specifically from officials within the South African Police Service Read more >

Open letter to the African Commission re: xenophobia

Open Letter to the African Commission Regarding the Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa 23 April, 2015 Dear Chair and Commissioners of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, We, the undersigned civil society organisations, write to you as concerned organisations and citizens of the African continent to raise concern about the xenophobic attacks currently Read more >