Seventh parliament:  are these the legislators we deserve?

By Moepeng Talane South Africa’s electorate may have taken decisive action in the 29 May polls to help discontinue the one-party rule era that we have seen since the dawn of democracy, but a whole month later, the official announcement on who will lead in the Cabinet of the government of national unity is yet Read more >

Whistle-blowers take centre stage on WWBD

By Janine Erasmus World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), marked every year on 3 May, is a day of both reflection and reminders – the former giving media professionals a chance to think about issues of press freedom and professional ethics, and the latter prompting governments to respect their commitment to press freedom. But WPFD is Read more >

State capture whistle-blowers hailed on 23 June

Every year on 23 June we remember whistle-blowers around the world who have braved threats to their lives and livelihoods to expose corruption on both small and large scales. We also reflect on what we, as a society and as individuals, are doing to make the environment for blowing the whistle more enabling and encouraging. Read more >

 The Youth Day pledge we need from the 7th administration

By Siphokuhle Mkancu The 29th of May 2024 marked the seventh democratic election in South Africa, and based on the election results being that for the first time in the democratic era no single political party achieved a clear majority, the country is headed towards a formation declared by its proponents to be a government Read more >

SA achieves respectable score on Freedom in the World index for 2024

South Africa’s highly-anticipated national and provincial elections went off smoothly for the most part on 29 May 2024, though the voter turnout of just over 58% was disappointing but not unexpected. Nevertheless, the country’s Independent Electoral Commission, as well as the South African Human Rights Commission, declared the event free and fair after several days Read more >

Parliament ready for first sittings of NA and NCOP

Parliament secretary Xolile George briefed the media and the country on Thursday 13 June on the state of readiness for the scheduled first sittings of the seventh parliament’s National Assembly (NA) and National Council of Provinces (NCOP). The sittings take place on 14 and 15 June 2024, respectively. “We are managing … a mammoth task Read more >