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My Corruption-Free Africa competition – enter now!

Today, 9 December, is International Anti-Corruption Day, and Corruption Watch has various activities on the go, to get Africa’s young people involved in the fight against corruption.

Besides the highly-anticipated tune “Hayi Basile” – a hard-hitting song that expresses the frustration that many people feel about the high levels of corruption in South Africa – other activities include an ongoing seven-part serialised drama story, as well as the launch today of a Pan-African writing and photographic competition, My Corruption Free Africa.

This exciting event asks entrants from across the continent to send stories and images with the theme of Corruption through my eyes. Entrants may enter both the photography and writing categories, but may only submit one entry per section.

The competition is open to all African youth between the ages of 16 – 30, and there are great prizes up for grabs in each category – first prize is a cool $1 000, while the first runner-up will get $500 and the second runner-up will get $250.

The competition opens today, 9 December 2014, and all entries must be in by 27 February 2015. Send your entries to mcfa@corruptionwatch.org.za to reach us within the competition deadlines.

Winners will be announced on 17 April 2015!

All entrants will have to go through two rounds of judging. The first is a public voting process, taking place from 2 to 23 March 2015, which will see the top 60 entrants (30 for writing and 30 for photography) going through to the second round. This round will take place from 6 to 10 April 2015 and will be decided by an independent expert panel for each category, appointed by Corruption Watch.

Visit this page to read all the rules of the competition.

Corruption Watch has also collaborated with FunDza to release a seven-chapter fictional story on the Mxit platform about corruption in the licensing sector, running from 5 – 11 December. The story is also being made available, chapter by chapter, on the Corruption Watch website.

Photography rules

Photos must be original work, and must not be digitally altered by e.g. Photoshop or GIMP.  It’s important to note that entries must not have been published elsewhere, or been awarded with a prize in any other photography competition.

Visit this page for the full list of photography rules, as well as detailed technical specifications.

Blogging rules

As with the photographs, written entries must be original work. Young authors can submit a fiction or non-fiction piece, but must clearly specify which genre they are writing in.

Again, entries must not have been published elsewhere or been awarded a prize in another writing competition.

Writers can submit their entries in their home language, but for ease of judging and to facilitate public outreach, they must also provide an English translation.

Visit this page for more detailed writing specifications.


Today is International Anti-Corruption Day, and Corruption Watch has various activities on the go. Besides the highly-anticipated anti-corruption tune “Hayi Basile” and a seven-part dramatic story on Mxit, CW is today launching a Pan-African writing and photographic competition, My Corruption Free Africa.
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